Hi Patel -
I ran through the post-install initially and just tried it again (installed Chameleon to "Macintosh HD") then ran the sudo ... post install script, rebooted, and have the "No Boot Device Found" error still.
One weird thing I noticed is that in the Chameleon install log, it says the following:
- Running Standard postinstall script
- Target volume = /Volumes/Macintosh HD on /dev/disk1
- NOTE: Target has existing unrecognised bootcode in the MBR. Leaving as is.
- Detected a Windows installation on this volume.
Which is impossible as I wiped the drive before the install and it hasn't had Windows since! (Originally wiped for Mavericks).
It shows /dev/disk0, /dev/disk1, and /dev/disk2 at the top (/dev/disk0 and /dev/disk1 are Mac related with /dev/disk0 showing disk0|disk0s1|disk0s2|disk0s3 and /dev/disk1 showing disk1 as an identifier) ... /dev/disk2 is the thumb drive. It says that /dev/disk1 is the "Logical Volume on disk0s2" if that helps.
Thanks for the help!