the cursor still hadn't come up when i plug a USB mouse (also tried pressing the esc button, cmd+tab, and any keyboard combination i know)
no additional kext is added... just following Jake Lo's guide, including his to my exttra in my USB install key --> could be the reason, as when the first instalation process is started, i still can see the mouse, only after the first restart (after the failed notification), the mouse cursor is missing, sometimes it's there as a garbled pixel
Could you please post your extra folder an any other SSDT or DSDT files?
currently im installing a fresh ML 10.8 and did not plan any update to 10.8.5 however...
but if your kexts are meant for those update, i will...
My bad... it seems that my BIOS is the one causing trouble... Jake Lo has pointed this, but i missed it... Now after downgrading my bios back to A09, i can see my cursor... yeay!!!
Could you please advice what other kext is needed?