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  1. Hi, This Dell is now running the 10.6.6 just fine. The key thing was to select NON-case sensitive journaled file system when system is installed in the first place. During the process I had to use once boot parameter pmVersion=0 Case closed. -J
  2. Hi, My problem thread is the: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/197-incorrect-image-signature/ Anyways I am such a total newbie on this hackintosh front that I have no proper knowledge to get these fixes inserted into right place. When using the commands from that external page to create kext-extensions, I managed to get drive working, but keyboard and mouse not. I then tried place files in the edptool.command (rebuild.command) to get these fixes installed and included with new rebuild, but no luck... Maybe the DSDT is the right path to take here.? -J
  3. Hi, I am having similar problems with Intel PATA kernel panics. On this page there seems to be the solution... http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=186609&st=40 -Jakke
  4. Well well.... I downloaded the file: IOATAFamily.kext.zip from http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=186609&st=40 on page 3 there where installation instructions. In them I followed the /Volumes/name/Extra path, but also putting 'sudo' command in front of those two commands. I now verify that I can boot the osx without any kernel panics. But... keyboard and mouse have stopped working. So I guess using command... sudo kextcache -m /Volumes/<boot drive name>/Extra/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/<boot drive name>/Extra/Extensions Did reset some of the kext-settings.... What is the procedure to get correct D430 kext and the IOATA-kext installed??? -J edit: external mouse and keyboard works. I was able to use edptool.command to go back to situation where mouse + keyboard work, but I need to have usb-stick attached to boot this machine. So... how do I also use these kext to fix this PATA problem, or can I use some DSDT from page : http://www.projectosx.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=682&st=0&p=3537entry3537
  5. Ok, So I rebooted from USB-stick, did disk repair. Following errors were detected/corrected: -Invalid volume file count -Invalid volume directory count I then rebooted back to OSX (usb-stick still attached). I then ran the EDP 1.5rc6 with suggested values And I also re-installed the AnVAL5.1.4 boot Now I get stuck in some ethernet detection part. See attached screen capture. Edit: After disabling the NIC from BIOS, I am back in the original error message about AppleIntelPIIXATA. there is site with some solution about this (common?) problem: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=186609&hl= How does one use these kext-files? Edit 2: quote from above site: "Apple have fixed the bug in 10.6.3, so this patch isn't needed/useful anymore for 10.6.3+ systems" I am still on 10.6.0 ... -J
  6. Hi, So now after running the EDP 1.5rc6, the system gives me following kernel panic. Is there some fixes that should be run with edptool ??
  7. Hi, I just keep getting back to this. When selecting "1" I do not get list of machine models. Is it required to have 'Mac' connected to Internet to this work? I get empty menu and 'Please choose:" underneat. -----> Now that was stupid of me: The console window size was too small to display all lines. So important ones scrolled off from the top. -J
  8. Hi, I succeeded to download this file now. Now this may sound like a silly thing, but I can not see that edptool.command in the 1.5RC6 file. I am trying to follow the guide: http://www.osxlatitude.com/groups/d4xosx/wiki/900e4/How_to_do_a_new_build.html -J
  9. Hi Leon, When I try to download this file I get: "[#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment. " So no luck... -J
  10. Hi, Here is the picture of the kernel panic screen. The EDP 1.4 does not contain the edptool needed, and none of the 1.5RC does not seem to be available. -J
  11. Hi, Thank you for quick responces. First: is this edp 1.5rc6 already publicly available? Yesterday I could not download it. Second: I managed to get photo out of that error message, so I can now type it here. It is listed in the top left corner of the display and has two lines. The second line shows up about 0.5 seconds later and then system gets to please restart. --- Hibernate image is too old by 52752 seconds. Use ForceWake=y to override efi_inject_get_devprop_string NULL trying stringdata --- And yes, luckily the mahcines wakes up when started from usb-key, so it is using the bootimage from the installer image linked in your help page. -Jake
  12. Dell D430, Bios A09

  13. Thanks guys, I have now installed the AnVAL v5.1.4 r709 When system boots it no longer complains about 'Incorrect image signature', the system still not come up. I see very brief complaint about 'hibernate is too old by 51398 seconds' (or something like that) and then I am back stuck in the the please restart screen. Now what? Is this just a case of those /Extra files being too old??? -J
  14. Hi, (I am total newbie on this so....) I followed your instructions to get osx installed on D430. I think I have possibly done something wrong. I got os installed from the image provided in the help. After installation I tried following the docs on installing the bootloader and extra-drivers. So bootloader installed on machine is: Chameleon v2.0-rc5 r665 (it shows this when booting). After selecting the drive, I get error message: Incorrect image signature What can be done to fix this issue? When I have the pendrive attached to USB, then I can boot from the harddrive, which is kind strange. Also: the extra-package 1.4 is missing the tool: ./edptool.command so I think there is some issue getting the all extras / build done correctly thanks in advance Jakke ----- edit 2011.02.28 After installing the system again and selecting the NON-case sensitive option to format filesystem, all is now ok. I'm running system 10.6.6 after doing the upgrade. So case can be closed.
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