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Macintoshy last won the day on January 24 2014

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  1. Hi Admins, http://www.osxlatitude.com/files/EDP_v7_Installer.zip is infected with Backdoor.Eleanor https://blog.malwarebytes.com/cybercrime/2016/07/new-mac-backdoor-malware-eleanor/ Please clean up the file and upload a virus free version. Best regards Macintoshy
  2. Hi, dows anybody know if this driver will work ? http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/294608-cypress-ps2-trackpad-kext/ Kind regards Macintoshy
  3. Hi, what kind of boot loader do you use? Which GFX card do you use? Internal HD4600 or AMD 8970m ? I was trying to make ATI Personalities make work for the AMD 8970m, but i failed extracting the rom file. http://rampagedev.wordpress.com/kext-editing/editing-atiamd-framebuffer-personality/ Does anybody know how to extract the AMD 8970m rom file? - GPU-Z doesn't show up a version string on Windows 8.1. - A simple dos boot with atiflash.exe will not find any GFX card. Kind regards Macintoshy
  4. Hi, additional question: Why is the msata drive so slow? Which Kext is needed to make msata work properly? Regards Macintoshy
  5. Hi, I was trying to get rid of NullCPUPowerManagent.kext to get speedstep working. My DSDT.aml compiled without errors with the help from toledo ML HDMI repository: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/292999-mavericks-applehda-hdmi-audio/ But I get kernel panic when I boot with my DSDT.aml files copied to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patcged/. Can we check the Bios versions? I recently updated mine to A07. My Audio Controller reported from BIOS A07 is a Realtek ALC3226. I Will check the kext from Jake Lo. Thanks. Kind regards Macintoshy System DSDT_patch_sourceForge.zip
  6. Hi, installing Mavericks Niresh was so slow that interupted the installation. So I switched to usb 2 extern HDD: Problems so far: - Internal HD 4600 works only with HDMI monitor plugged in. Resolution depends on the EEID of the external monitor. HDMI Port does' show up any GFX - No audio with the latest voodoohda - Sleep and Speedstep not working.... I use Clover to boot. Tests with chameleon will follow. Kind regard Macintoshy
  7. Hi, recently I tried the same. But now I'm able to install a Niresh Maverick distribution with a haswell patched kernel. I took really a long time to find out that boot up procedures will not cope with ACPI configurations from DELL. I copied the haswell pre-patched kernel from here to the root filesystem to my Niresh Maverick USB 8 GB media. The Installation to msata device takes round about 25 minutes. Intel Ultimate-N 6300 AGN will not work. Thinking about a replacement broadcom mini pci express card....will need the best ootb part. After the Installation, I will report more about the configuration. First I have to fix boot issues. Kind regards Macintoshy
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