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Everything posted by robi62

  1. Just stumbled on a terminal command to see tx rates and this is the output Lower signal is the lenovo it shows is capable of max speed but ...
  2. Ok I will try although the lenovo its closer to router. I thought it did but after a couple of reboots it went back to old speed so it is not the cables...
  3. Hi I seem to have a problem I have same wifi card installed in two different hackintosh machines The card in question is AW-CE123H First one is an hp 9470m running os Catalina and second one on a lenovo m73 tiny os Monterey. On hp good download speed but Monterey does not. I even used same kext bcrmfixup kext and that did not improve. I changed the cards and first boot on Monterey speed was good but after reboot went slow again.. Any ideas why is this happening?? As you can see on photo hp txrate is 867 while on lenovo txrate is 434??
  4. hi I have managed in the end It working good with clover . All I did was to only install patches for graphics cards only nothing else with opencore legacy patcher. Everything works but I think I'm going to stick with Monterey for the time being.
  5. Ok will report back in a fews days with the outcome Thanks for input.
  6. hi guys I have installed ventura no my hp and I read that you need to patch with oc 051 in order for card to work. so I downloaded oc legacy and did that but now when I boot when I reach desktop it stays black....while before it booted with 3mb in the intel hd5500. I tried in putting a few config but results is the same???? Any idea which one will do the trick??? I attach a screenshot on my card id
  7. Hi sorry for late reply Efi was done with help of baio77 and then I changed a few things myself
  8. Thats strange I will have to investigate It would be interesting to try your efi
  9. Ok thanks Ill try that Took me ages to write it in config properly Thanks for help Mark it as solved Hervè
  10. hi I finally managed to boot with Monterey with my hp revolve . Everything seems to work fine except the touch screen. I used first kext that where working in bsur then I updated them but result is the same . Don't know what to do I enclose my config file and my IOReg file, maybe someone can tell me which kext I should need Thanks guys macbook pro.zip config 3.plist.zip
  11. Good old clover still working good Powermanagment working like a beauty. Could not get that with OC Monterey 12.3.1 just did a fresh install with chris111 clover package @yahgoo I enclose my EFI Folder just in case you want to have a look EFI.zip
  12. here are my files MacBook Pro.zip EFI-640g1mn.zip Haswell platform
  13. Easy if you know how is not only the kexts that would be easy is the config the difficult part
  14. Hi I have a 640 g1 which in bigsur works ok but all efi I tried for monterey no joy it doesn t boot As soon at it start after welcome screen when I choose disk it reboots ... The only thing I can think of is something wrong in my bios setup?? But works with bigsur....
  15. hum it seems that MacBook Pro 12.1 is not good according to this
  16. Hi smbios is MacBook Pro 12.1 I tried with what Herve suggested but still the same. now I have tried MacBook Air 5.2 because my cpu is exactly like it. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3427U CPU @ 1.80GHz The problem is both cpumanagment kext and x86 platform plugin are running If I disable cpumanagment kext then frequency is only 1,7 with both minimum frequency also the same but I get turbo frequencies . I also tried with cpufriend and combinations like Jakelo suggested but no joy. In Mojave with clover and plugin 1 enable works very well. Here is the EFi Im using EFI.zip
  17. @yahgoo hi whatsup is working fine for me on my 9470m on 12.31 That is with Chris111 efi and files what drive me crazy is the fan always on all the time and frequencies always @1.7 I tried all the tricks but no luck with Mojave powermanagment works like a beauty with only xcpm but any os above not too good. It's a shame coz is a nice laptop....but Mojave a bit old...
  18. hi did you generate it with ssdtime or you have used a prebuilt?? Do you frequencies go down to 800??? omg Jake Lo you are the best I just changed SMBIOS to 11.4 just used ssd-plug.aml and its great
  19. Hi I was hoping you would reply as you have a dell same specs as mine. The only reason I put all them to see if they where working What do you use for your dell???
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