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Everything posted by Unicron

  1. That's great Darvinko, look forward to it I'll be sure to test out and report back as soon as you've got it up.
  2. Thanks for the reply Syonagar. In the mean time I'd already figured out that I have an Intel 5100 which isn't supported Luckily I have a USB dongle which should be supported, will work on that later
  3. Well I was able to solve my own problem Fiddling around with the laptop, post installation but before attempting EDP configuration, I installed Steam. Steam complained that it could not work on a case-sensitive file system. So I reformatted and reinstalled, on a case insensitive partition this time. Installed EDP, got a kernel panic but after reboot battery and sound are working Wifi (and probably some other things), still aren't though so if you have any suggestions there...
  4. I'd be very interested in that I have an E6500 (Nvidia), but I gather that shouldn't really matter? Thanks in advance anyway
  5. Hi, First of all thanks to everyone here, this seems like a great site and community. I followed the instructions to install 10.7 on my Nvidia E6500. So I mean, I use myHack to create a "standard" 10.7 installer USB. Then add the Extra folder from the E6400/E6500 Lion boot pack. The installation itself works (I'm typing this from the laptop ), however when I run through the EDP script steps (post-installation), I get a KP when regenerating system cache. I was able to recover the installation by reverting to the Extra folder from the USB (i.e. the one from the boot pack). Are there any steps I can take to make it more clear to me what exactly is going wrong? Or is this some common issue? I haven't been able to find anything by searching the forums, apologies in advance if that was a fail on my part Thanks in advance!
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