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Thanks. My Boot-ROM-Version is BIOS date in Clover Configurator> SMBIOS> 08/08/17 I did find an OSXAptioFix driver in the Drivers64 or Drivers64-UEFI folder and removed that, will check if that makes a difference.
@Hervé I'm using Clover v5070. @Next One That's awesome, thanks. Will have a play with those config setting and the ssdt. CMOS battery has been recently replaced. OS is Mojave 10.14.6 and SMBIOS is Mac 5,1. AppleRTC box is checked in Clover Configurator> Kernel and Kext Patches. Update: Still getting the RAID reset problem on startup.
Hi @Next One, Would you be willing to share your Config and EFI folder for the T3500? I'm getting a startup issue where the BIOS seems to be resetting the RAID settings and I'm having to F2 into BIOS every boot and change RAID and SpeedStep. This is on the latest Clover. Thanks
Update: Mojave installed and updated to 10.14.3 (supplemental update). All good, except for rare graphic glitching that appears resolved after turning off Hardware Acceleration option in Spotify. Next will test VirtualSMC vs current FakeSMC.
Yes, I heard of the VESA mode 103 issue too, but bios loads fine with the RX 560 in my setup - I'm able to F2 into the bios setup screen on startup.
Recommend a Metal compatible GPU for Dell Precision T3500?
dm4n replied to dm4n's topic in The Archive
Thanks all. I went with AMD RX 560 - working pretty well with Mojave and nice shift from running my monitor in 1080 to 4K. -
Successfully update to Mojave 10.14 after upgrading the GPU to Gigabyte Radeon RX 560 (Metal capable GPU required by Mojave). Did both clean install on my test SSD and update from macOS 10.13.6 on main SSD and storage HDD. The GPU requires WhateverGreen.kext and Lilu.kexts placed in EFI>Clover>kexts>Other. I also added these kexts and NullCPUPowerManagement.kext to the installer usb to get the installer working.
Hi All, Can anyone recommend a Metal GPU for the Dell T3500 that would make it possible to install OS X Mojave? Currently rocking an ATI Radeon HD5670. Perhaps relevant is that T3400 owners have reported an issue where the newer AMD cards don't support the low-resolution Dell BIOS screen during boot, giving a 'Vesa 103' error. Thanks for any assistance!
High Sierra Success! This has been one of the trickier install processes. I had difficulties updating to High Sierra from Sierra on my 64Gb test ssd, using the (full sized) Install macOS High Sierra app. After many fails, I opted to erase the test drive and do a fresh install. I made an install usb of High Sierra with Clover, disconnected all other drives in the BIOS settings and was able to install from the usb. One essential prior step, given that there are multiple SSD's and HDD's in my T3500 - was to mount all the EFI partitions and delete nvram.plist from all of them , before attempting to install HS. I also used sudo nvram -c in Terminal (not sure if essential) This got me past the "OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged" install problem. The installer rebooted a couple of times, and there were a few nailbiting moments - waiting to see if this would work, or another round of troubleshooting. Such is Hackintosh Post installation, sound was achieved using Voodoo HDA package here Then (the next morning) it was time to brave the install on main rig. This time, I wanted to upgrade from existing Sierra install. I wasn't sure whether the usb installer would allow an upgrade or would automatically do a fresh install (kudos to anyone who can check that), so I opted to use the Install macOS High Sierra app. I copied the the config.plist from the installer usb and placed the Fake.smc kext form there into EFI > kexts > 10.13 of the main volume. Also, you will need to once again mount all EFI partitions and delete nvram.plist - found out the hard way. Once again, I disconnected all other drives in BIOS and restarted and started the installer on the main volume. The installation went differently this time, progress was very slow. I'm not 100% sure that installation didn't actually happen twice, if that is even possible. But it came good. I've included a zip for those interested with 2 files - config install.plist was used in both the installer usb for fresh install and installed to the EFI partition of the target volume for the upgrade from Sierra to High Sierra. After installation I changed the SMBIOS from iMac 14.2 to Mac Pro 5,1 in config.plist. Running with 14,2 System Definition seemed to make installation of HS easiest. Both ssd's were converted to APFS format. Ensure that apfs.efi is installed to your Drivers64 folder in your installer usb or EFI partition. Thanks to all the dedicated contributors to the hackintosh community who made this possible Good Hack! Archive.zip
Has anyone got High Sierra working on their T3500? I'm trying to create a usb installer for a clean install on a test SSD in my rig.
Update: I've got OS Sierra Beta 7 working on the test drive in my machine. Changed SMBIOS using Clover Configurator to MacPro 5,1 and used the Magic Wand button to generate the other SMBIOS field entries. After adding a 10.12 Kext folder to my main drives EFI partition and updating Clover to latest version - all works except for the current sound issues with Voodoo HDA. Update: Successful update to 10.12 Final Release using the AppStore method. Sound issues fixed with latest VoodooHDA package. Update #2: successfully updated to macOS Sierra 10.12.2 using the AppStore. Was getting weird usb keyboard and mouse glitches in 10.12.1 - basically they stopped working but would resume after replugging - this issue has diminished in latest update issue continues after update. Cheers!
Update to 10.11.4 via AppStore, using latest Clover v3368 → all good.
Successfully updated to El Capitan from Yosemite running Clover bootloader. Note: Important to Update Clover bootloader to latest first. First tested the installation process on my backup internal drive on SSD. Switched off other drives in BIOS. Update Method: Appstore - no usb installer required for upgrading using Clover. Downloaded the installer from the Appstore. Before running the installer - the config.plist (found in EFI partition) must be edited: add (not replace) the following to the section - <key>RtVariables</key> Credit: see Post#5 here 4. Add latest FakeSMC.kext to EFI partition → in EFI>Clover>kexts>10.11 folder (you'll probable have to create this folder) After the Installer app had completed - the system went into a boot-loop. After more forum-searching - it seems EvoReboot.kext was the problem → 5. deleted EvoReboot.kext from S/L/E by typing the following in Terminal I also repaired Permissions using Kext Utility app. 6. Run Install OS X El Capitan.app Good hack!
For a general overview check out the link on Post #3 I used Clover Configurator - attached screenshot
Successfully Updated to Yosemite 10.10 Previously the system was running 10.9.5 using the Chameleon + MyHack method. I wanted to use the Clover bootloader as it seemed a more elegant / native / something cool solution. So the experiment was whether I could convert from Chameleon to Clover AND upgrade from Mavericks to Yosemite, without having to do a clean install. As I have a 4 internal SATA drives in the machine (see sig) I use the 64 GB Crucial ssd as a backup OS with important apps. This was the test drive. After successfully installing on this drive I repeated on my main drive. I followed the Clover Yosemite guide at the other infamous hackintosh site - installing the Clover bootloader in the EFI partition of the drive. Note that it's a hands-on process - the system needs to boot from the usb 2 times during the process - and the User needs to make sure that the usb is selected for the second reboot (check the guide). Afterwards the system booted up from the test drive and Setup proceeded. I used Clover Configurator to generate a working plist - you will likely need to modify to your hardware eg I used the Patch VBios command to get full resolution on the bootloader screen. Note the the autogenerated config.plist has some unnecessary but non-harmful entries - I had mine pruned. iCloud and AppStore works. Have yet to get Facetime and iMessage working which I don't use - apparently have to call Apple for a code - but elsewhere reported that that works. Edit: called Apple and they kindly gave me the required code I use HWSensors to monitor CPU and temperatures - I found that it didn't supply all data when FakeSMC + Plugins was installed in the drives EFI partition, but did when installed in S/L/E so I have duplicated the FakeSMC + HW Plugins kext in both locations. Yosemite + Clover is lovely Edit: Got TRIM support using Clover Configurator and the steps in Post #80 here Good Hack!
Update: Successfully made a Clover usb bootloader using the suggestions from Bronxteck amd Robert Smith. The system boots up from the usb and was able to successfully update iWork and iLife apps (which didn't work using Chameleon). Steps: (1) Format usb as 1 partition HFS using GPT option and name it (2) Install Clover on the usb (I used Clover_v2k_r2747) using the screenshot from post #5 to set installation parameters (3) Insert FakeSMC and NullCPUManagement kexts in EFI > Clover > kexts > 10.9 on the installer usb (just manually copy > paste kexts from existing Mavericks S/L/E and Extra folders) (4) Replace config.plist in EFI> Clover with the one from post #3 (5) Boot from usb using bootflag -v Thankyou all for your kind help Having tested, the next step is to make the switch to Clover from Chameleon.
Hey Robert, Thanks for answering my questions On a whim I plugged in my headphones to the front jack - as expected no sound or even typical noise. Checked settings in VoodooHDA Settings in System Preferences and made sure that Headphone Front was selected in the Sound section of Sys.Prefs too - to no avail. But, when I clicked on the volume slider for the headphones in Sys.Prefs - the headphones suddenly began to work even though the slider was already more than halfway toward max. voluume. Also, I had the same issue you described with VoodooHDA failing to recognise volume change initiated from the top menu bar - I'm sorry I don't recall how I solved that - but am running 2.8.5 with Voodoo Settings Loader Preference Pane in Sys.Prefs and all volume controls (including in Apps and Menu Bar) work. Re the BCM5722D.kext - the version in my Extensions folder was 1.0, and today I again experienced ethernet shutting down with high traffic - so I installed the version 2.3.5 you specified → interestingly, Kext Utility installed it in Contents > Plugins of IOnetworkingFamily.kext A question about your GPU - is it fully recognised and did you have to patch anything? I'm running the ATI5670 and it seems to be working fine oob - DVD Player and Chess work (QE/CI?) but only shows up in About this Mac as ATI5000. I'll post again after I run some tests booting from Clover usb. Cheers
Hey Robert, Twas actually your wiki that inspired me to get a T3500 Thanks, and also for sharing your config. I do have a few more questions - particularly in reference to your Mavericks install - (1) are you using a DSDT? If so - how did you generate it? (2) Where did you install the BCM5722D.kext? I put mine inside the Contents>Plugins of IONetworkingFamily.kext and it seems to be working ok - although there may have been a glitch once with intense LAN and WAN activity where ethernet seemed to stop working - but returned after reboot. If this is the right place for the kext - it may be good to amend the wiki. (3) Have you got the front headphone jack working - if so how? I'm using Voodoo HDA 2.8.5 and Voodoo Setting Loader - got rear line out but not front headphones. (4) Re: Clover - you're saying we should use the guides for Legacy BIOS? From the pic for custom install of Clover → you didn't install 64 drivers at all, only the 3 from Drivers64UEFI? Many Thanks!
Hi All, I've installed 10.9.3 using myHack and Chameleon on the Dell T3500 desktop (see my signature for specs). It's running pretty sweet. Has anyone got Clover running on this machine? I've tried creating a Clover usb to test as per Clover wiki but getting a boot1f error. Thanks!
Has anyone got Clover working on Optiplex 755/760/780? Your advice is requested! I'm testing Clover as replacement bootloader via usb on currently working Mavericks install that boots using Chameleon. Booting gets as far as the GUI showing internal drives and OS's. But when I select SSD with working Mavericks- get an error about Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\"...." Have tried tweaking settings in Clover's config.plist using Clover Configurator but so far to no avail. Thanks.
Update: OS 10.9 Mavericks working. Here's my method which may/may not be optimal. Your mileage may vary. Method: for installing Used myHack 3.3 to create a 10.9 usb installer. Copied 3 kexts from S/L/E on the usb to desktop: IOPCIFamily.kext, IOAHCIFamily.kext, AppleAHCIPort.kext Substituted the following kexts from existing 10.8.5 install IOPCIFamily.kext, IOAHCIFamily.kext, AppleAHCIPort.kext onto the usb (use a kext utility) as per here. disconnected other HD's, check BIOS set to AHCI, set boot sequence to boot from usb and installed 10.9. Method for booting: Replaced IOPCIFamily.kext and IOAHCIFamily.kext (with the 10.9 kexts previously saved to desktop) in S/L/E of the Mavericks install. Note that the ML 10.8.5 AppleAHCIPort.kext left in place. Run myHack fix permissions etc. Reboot. Good luck!
Hi rayzedge, Congratulations on getting the 755 working as a hackintosh! My machine does wake from 'sleep' using keyboard and mouse. But I use the term 'sleep' in a qualifited sense since I can stil hear fans and possibly HD's whirring. Pretty sure that the machine sleeps more fully when booted into Windows. I don't have option darkwake=0 checked on my smbios.plist using Chameleon Wizard. Nor do I have the patched AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement kext in s/l/e. Make sure you don't have NullCPUPowerManagement kext installed in Extras folder. Good luck!
-Where you are from/where you live : based in Australia -How long you have used a hackint0sh : 18 months, before that 10 years on Macs. -A brief summary of your experiences in hackint0shing: Built my first hackint0sh using myHack 3.12 and 10.7 OS X using Dell Optiplex 755. Still running and upgraded to 10.8.4. -What triggered your interest in hackint0sh: wanting to see if it was possible to build a functional Mac from PC components. -Your general computer skill level: been using computers for about 23 years. Built a couple of PC's from off-the-shelf components. -List any technical experience you have in various operating systems and programming languages: Minimal. -If you have any talents/skills that you would like to offer to help the community: Mainly being active participant. Happy to help where I can. Cheers
10.8.4 Update Downloaded and installed Combo Update from Apple. Had previously installed latest Voodoo HDA 2.8.2 with Sys. Prefpane All working well
Have used the forum for a while - lurking but would like to ask question so posting here as per requirements. Hackintosh: Dell Optiplex 755 Tower, Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz, 4 GB original RAM, ATI Radeon 5670 Vertex GPU, 3 HD's and 1 SSD running OS X 10.8.4 using myHack installer.