I done my Lesson and read the Fakesmc Tuning carefully.
But the Gpu is becoming hot and stuck at 405mhz. Its the 2. gpu State.
The Nvidia nvs3100m has 3 G-States. 1. Is 105Mhz 2. 405Mhz 3. Is 605Mhz.
I have done every possible Settings.
I have change the Smc Version to MacBooK Pro 6,1 like in the Fakesmc Tuning Guide.
Tried almost every FakeSmc Version with the Tuning.
Tried with DSDt.aml and without.
No chance. Gpu Throttling is not working.
I dont know why other E6410 owners do not ask about a fix because if you watch or play a Game the Notebook becomes very hot.
Any help is welcome
Thank you very much