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  1. Here is a "screenshot" of the panic with a single stick of ram in Slot B or Slot A doesn't matter
  2. I can't ever get to the Desktop That's the base problem -igfxvesa get's me to Disk Utility and seems to work for the next reboot but panics on the next reboot
  3. Here is a Zip file of my Clover folder on EFI CLOVER.zip
  4. Trying to get Mojave on this E7270 - Bios 1.21.6 - Has i5-6300U 1TB NVME Crucial NVME M.2 Drive Following the guide and just get panic after panic It can get to the installer using a -igfxvesa flag but even that fails on reboot from Hard Drive - this is basically the second stage of setup that it fails during Any Help ? - tell me what you need from me and I will do my best to provide it
  5. I'm getting a hang on the Black Apple logo with the status bar across the bottom - bar never moves ETA -v gives me a kernel panic in AppleIntelCPUPowerMangement
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