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Everything posted by iMeek

  1. Yes, but it means switching bootloader and doesn't work as an upgrade.
  2. I tried it with Clover too. On Latitude and on custom Gigabyte z87x-ud4h based stationary. No go.
  3. Seems like many users are rolling back to 10.9.5 Including original Mac users. I didn't manage to boot Yosi on my stationary Hack either, although it has native support for OSX and it is smooth with Mavericks. Actually, there's a similar problem - boots only from USB. Bummer.
  4. Terminal answers that File exists, but still no boot from HDD
  5. exactly the same problem here: boot0:GPT boot0:error
  6. I may report successful cloning of my Dell to a stationary. Did boot my new build with Boot utility + Clover, installed Clover to cloned HDD and that's it. Unbelievable.
  7. I wonder, is it going to work if I clone the system to a stationary?
  8. I did recently. Asked here same question https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7295-e6410-upgrade-to-1095/
  9. Fantastic. A couple of apps dropped registrations, but the rest is fine. No more conflict between Steermouse and Logitech utility Thanks for guiding!
  10. Install to a new partition went smoothly. I didn't even open the Bios. Everything works, besides the Wi-Fi. I still wonder though if installing over ML might ruin my installed software. I've got plenty of heavy stuff there. Hours of notorious setups. Anyway, it was nice practice. I'm about to put together a stationary Hackintosh.
  11. Hello I have a working 10.8.5 system on e6410 nvidia. If I'll try to install the recently DLed 10.9.5 - will it destroy my happiness? Thanks btw, the 10.8.5 install was quick and painless, thanks to this forum.
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