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Charles Albert

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Everything posted by Charles Albert

  1. Thanks for the replies Thund3rbolt and Leon, I appreciate it. Thund3rbolt, sorry if this sounds n00bish, but what are EDP's? And what kexts should I been looking for? Also, i've been trying to update from one version to other, to see if I can make this work. went up to 10.6.2 with success, but 10.6.3 won't boot even with the bootloader cd. Corrected that restoring to 10.6.2 (yes, i was doing a backup with time machine for every successful update) then updating to 10.6.3 and doing the post install BEFORE restarting the machine. It worked well, but after updating to 10.6.4 i've lost the USB ports, and when backing up to 10.6.3 it came up with the loading problem again. Run -v to see verbose, it stops in "System uptime in nanoseconds: 11955109138". Will restore my 10.6.2 system, then update to 10.6.6 and provide the logs that Leon talked about. On other thought: Saw some forum users claiming that they managed to run 10.6.6 without any problems on D630. One of them in the insanelymac forums (the one that gave me the update-one-version-to-other tip) apparently uses iFail S3 v2 as a bootloader. I'm using Chameleon v2.0 RC3 r-something. The bootloader (or just their post-install processes) could influence in these occurings (to make my hackintosh, i've used the instructions in this page)? Just to cover all bases, i'll download the iFail S3 v2 10.6.3, install it and download it. See what comes out of it. Thanks again.
  2. Hello guys, in the last few days i've been trying to set up a hackintosh on my Dell Latitude D630 (Wireless BCM4312, Video NVidia). Started with a 10.6, that worked flawlessly (although some graphic lagging, in spite of the fact that the video card was fully recognized), and decided to upgrade to 10.6.6. Everything went fine, but wireless and ethernet are not working at all, everything else is working alright (or seems to be, i've just tested sound). Last try was to rebrand the wireless from "Dell" to Airport. The process went smooth, but without results. Am I lacking some steps? Anyone have another alternative?
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