Hello everyone, thank you EMlyDinEsh for the work here and solving our wireless problems
I am not sure if I am supposed to write here; as many of you mentioned, Mavericks BT accessory detection is not the same anymore and sometimes not working properly.
I purchased this combo card AzureWave NB290H (using BCM43225HMB chip) but never tried it on Mountain Lion... went straight to Mavericks.
I see inside the kext's plist that my card is not mentioned; my vendor ID is 0x13D3 (5075 decimal) and device ID is 0x3295 (12949 decimal).
Although the BT device seems detected OK by the vanilla system, I cannot "see" or "pair" any BT accessories at all, either mouse or keyboard (Apple/Logitech).
I address this to you with the hope you can guide me if you have any ideas, as to:
a--if it makes sense to add this device/vendor to BTFirmwareUploader kext;
b--if using your BTFirmwareUploader on vanilla installation/kexts, will produce any results.
It's reported that this AzureWave NB290H (BCM43225HMB chip) card works out-of-the-box but not for me, with regard to Bluetooh... I've been battling with this BT device for days now.
Please note that with vanilla Apple kexts, the BT device is detected but upon each reboot, it takes time to be activated, i.e. the menubar on the right shows a broken B icon and 2-3 mins later, max, it appears. Turn BT off option is disabled. Dunno if others face the same issue.
By adding the device/vendor ID in the Info.plist of the BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport plugin in IOBluetoothFamily.kext, I have active BT device upon each reboot immediately and I can now "turn off".
However, by no means I can link to any BT accessory, mouse or keyboard and there is nothing I can inject in my DSDT, hence my turn to EMlyDinEsh's kext for assistance.
Many, many thanks.