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Everything posted by chadmesse

  1. I am using legacy and the clover based mode in this post https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-clover-guide/. I even updated the bios from a03 to a04 to a13.
  2. I have done everything in the guide to get the USB drive prepared. I even tried this as UEFI and Legacy, and for Legacy I followed the steps in Post #2. When I select to boot from the USB in both modes I receive the message, "Selected boot device failed. Press and key to reboot the system." Again I have tried this in UEFI and Legacy modes with the same error on both methods. I appreciate any and all help! Chad
  3. Thank you so much Jake!!! This worked for me and now the battery percentage is showing and my audio is working!!! Now all I am waiting on is to get my dell dw1510 in tomorrow so I can install. I have seen some postings on rebranding the card so it shows up as an AirportExtreme. Is this difficult to do or is it even necessary really? Again I appreciate all the help and guidance and everything else you have done for me! I have actually come a long way in the past couple of days on all of this even if you dont think I have! Some of it can be confusing with different guides and myhack and edp and stuff like that, but it is making sense to me now
  4. The ID is exactly the same as what you posted. I added the string and rebooted, but still no sound...am I still missing something?
  5. Jake- I found the org.chameleon.boot.plist and did not find anything about the HDAEnabler in there. audio shows as Intel High Definition Audio Chad
  6. I have all of these and a couple of others in there right now and it is booting fine right now. But what do I need to do to get the AppleHDA.kext that herve sent me to get the audio working? That kext file is in e/e/ right now, but the audio isnt working and if I go into sytems preferences>sound everything is greyed out. Also, I ordered a dell dw1510 wireless card last night and I will have it tomorrow. Is there anything I need to do now so that it works when I get it installed tomorrow? Thanks, Chad
  7. Jake- Last night prior to me going to sleep I had rebuilt the bootable usb drive. I had added the kext file you gave me and herve to the e/e/ folder I had downloaded for my 6220 from this website. I reinstalled os x 10.9.5 and I am currently at the desktop. I just downloaded EDP from here as well. What do I need to do to make sure that everything is good to go and wont mess up? Again I really do appreciate all of yalls help with this, and I apologize for my inexperience using this method for hackintoshing! Thanks, Chad
  8. Jake- How am I supposed to do this if it wont boot? Thanks, Chad
  9. Jake- I did this and now it wont boot at all... :/ http://imgur.com/H8MMZc2 The link is to a picture with what I am getting since I did what you told me. Thanks, Chad
  10. I am going to order the AR5B91 and hopefully get that in the next day or two! I have the following in extras/extensions ACPIBatteryManager.kext AppleIntelE1000e.kext DisableTurboBoostBattery.kext FakeSMC.kext IOWMIFamily.kext Ispicdrv.kext Patched_10.7_AppleRTC.kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext VoodooSDHC.kext I have been searching for the Mavericks Pack, but I am coming up with nothing thus far. I will continue to look for it, but I am starting to understand this process a lot more! Thanks, Chad
  11. I have a dw1530 which doesnt seem to be "supported", but I did some searching on Google. I found another forum and someone with the same card as mine had asked a similar question. A user on that forum said to use an atheros AR5B91. Do you think that this would be correct? As far as the audio info you told me about would you be able to give me a little bit more info? I honestly have no clue what you are referring to as far as the /E/E... Again thanks for the information you are providing to me!!!
  12. Hervé- Sorry I am really tired and I was confusing Mavericks with Yosemite for a second. So I do have Mavericks currently installed 10.9.5, but how do I get the correct kexts to have the wifi and audio working? Also, thanks for the quick reply I do appreciate it!!! Thanks, Chad
  13. Hey guys I am new to the forum! I did an original hackintosh on a Dell Mini 9 about 5 or 6 years ago, and there was a lot of manual work to do back then! It is much more streamlined now a days it seems!!! I have an e6220 that I just picked up off of Craigslist, and I put in an evo 840 series 250gb SSD. I created the bootable USB and used the "Extras" folder that I downloaded from the compatibility list. I was able to successfully install OS X 10.9.5 and then I did the EDP updates. The problem I seem to be having is WiFi isnt working nor is Audio which are the two things I am most concerned with. I did a little bit of reading and all the stuff about custom Kexts has me confused. I did see the person above my post used "Jake's Mavericks driver pack" which I do know I don't have Mavericks. But what is available for me to get these two working? Any information and guidance is much appreciated!!! Thanks, Chad
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