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Justin C.

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Justin C. last won the day on January 14 2015

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    M'boro, TN

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Private First Class

Private First Class (3/17)



  1. The 802.11N only broadcasts at 2.4GhZ and within the channel range. Here is some info from DPCIManager: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0HP0LKToykBS3NoNmxKYmdpdEE/view?usp=sharing
  2. My issue is that I cannot connect to any 802.11N network, I can connect just fine to any network, but only get internet on 802.11b/g. OS: Yosemite Vanilla Software Versions: CoreWLAN: 5.0 (500.35.2) CoreWLANKit: 4.0 (400.35) Menu Extra: 10.0 (1000.33.2) System Information: 9.0 (900.9) IO80211 Family: 7.0 (700.52) Diagnostics: 4.0 (400.68) AirPort Utility: 6.3.4 (634.17) Interfaces: en0: Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0xE01F) Firmware Version: Atheros 9280: MAC Address: 0c:60:76:14:67:d5 Locale: APAC Country Code: US Supported PHY Modes: 802.11 a/b/g/n Supported Channels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 additional information: The card is an Atheros AR5B93
  3. Ok Wifi is extremley slow, i pinged it and get a 66% loss rate. I succesfully detect and connect to networks. Update: can connect to b/g networks only, i can connect to my other router, but have to manually address it to avoid a rouge DHCP server. Is their a way to get around this?
  4. I got home and looked into if it works in windows and it does, I am reinstalling OS X now.
  5. I thing it may be an atenna issue, upon inspection i noticed it is slightly bent where the aux 1 plugs in. I have to do another install because when i was movibg files over i accidentaly deleted some essiential files.
  6. I installes the new wireless card, the OS detects it is installed but cannot find networks or manually connect.
  7. I bought an atheros wireless AR5B93. It will do the job hopefully. Last step in getting my hackintosh to work. Thanks for the help everyone, especially Jake Lo and Hervé.
  8. Update: ethernet working Edit: can you reccomend a wireless card that requires little setup if you cannot find a way to install my dw1395. Can i just buy an pci airport card from ebay that was in a macbook?
  9. Ok, thanks for that.i now have ethernet, says i am connected but no internet and the IP is out of range.
  10. I did that but it is not working.
  11. Also i cannot boot to macintosh ssd i get an error saying no kernel found. I am only able to boot with usb.
  12. What is not working: WiFi with dell wireless 1395, Ethernet, Graphics seems glitchy, when I go to connect to ethernet the program crashes.
  13. If you guys could give me a list of kexts I need and a list of steps to install them it would be much appreciated. My specs are the same except for my Wifi is Dell Wireless 1395.
  14. So i've been working on it for a bit and the only thing i need to finish my instalation is get ethernet working and i can figure out wifi later. When i go to connect to ethernet in system preference it crashes.
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