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Everything posted by m1nkeh
man, i must be having some kind of brain-fart... Truth be told, nope... i don't even see a /S/L/E folder struct! Shoudl I be looking on the EFI, or actual Installation partition of the USB? Here is a SS of the root of both.. It looks as if it's there on my install... so i guess it actually IS there on the USB Installer? As it clearly IS in the installed system, perhaps i can now add back in the ig-platform-id to the actual installed partition, and give that a whirl...?
after a bit more messing about... i seem to be able to get into OS X Installer (and install it with ease) by just removing the ig-platform-id inject part of the config.plist not really sure at this point if i've just bodged it, or actually resolved it.. About this mac lists Graphics as "Display 7Mb" hmm...
Hi, It feels as if I'm going around in circles here a bit and need a kick to get out of my infinite loop.. I think there is something [fundamental] I am missing 1. The HD5500 site from FireWolf suggests that if your dedicated video ram is 64mb or more, it will pass the kp - "Dedicated Video Memory >=64MB (i.e. DVMT pre-allocated memory >= 96MB) will pass the assertion/kernel panic" 2. This laptop (e7250) therefore has 64mb of Video RAM and then you do NOT need to either apply the patch to AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer -> (Find 39CF763C and replace it with 39CF773C.) or mod the BIOS?? - Please correct if incorrect. 3. The config.plist you have placed in this thread contains a KextsToPatch section whereby this find/replace is carried out 4. I have tried to boot with, and without this KextsToPatch section in the config.plist to no joy, as from the reading i have done all signs would seem to point to only needing to inject the ig-platform-id 5. I've also tried to boot with/without your DSDT/SSDT 6. Lastly, Jake you mention "manually patch the AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFrameBuffer" - i can't seem to find any information about what this actually entails, or really how to do it... i had the idea that i would need to find the AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFrameBuffer from a working copy of Yosemite, and somehow mod it, before placing it on my boot USB... I'm starting to think that it might actually be something in my BIOS that I've set incorrectly, and it's throwing things out... but i'm not overly sure about that.. all i have done to boot so far is 1. Reset A03 BIOS to defaults. 2. Switch SATA from RAID to AHCI 3. Hit F12 on boot, and select the USB stick I can upload my EFI folder if that is of any use?
Hey, ok, i've looked in the BIOS the location you state and we're saying 64mb... so great, that's that [mystery] solved.. Yep, I'm also using BIOS A03, and yep i also noted that one of the downloads wasn't working as it wasn't actually for the E7250.. bizarre. So, now that is all cleared up... i guess that just leaves two things (for now):- manually patch the AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFrameBuffer disect the config.plist to understand what all of the options that are in there do... A fun weekend ahead...
hey, thanks for the fast reply yeah.. i did check the BIOS (under the video section albeit quickly), but couldn't see anything obvious in there... I'll look again as maybe it's not under that section and there are a hell of a lot of other stuff to wade through.. here is a ss of what i see whilst booting... [apologies for it getting cut off, i'll try and grab a new one this evening] but it looks to me as if i'm getting a kp due to an assertion fail (as fixed in step #2) , would you agree? i'm unsure as i don't specifically see "assertion failed minStolenSize <= fStolenMemorySize" My gut feel was also to use 2.1 as modding the BIOS sounds a bit sketchy... so that's all good with me Re: "Check AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFrameBuffer is on my USB installer" - in which location should that be, and also where do i grab it from? Can i just pinch it off a "good" installation of OS X? Thanks for your help Jake, pretty much invaluable Oh btw which screen / model of E7x50 do you have? I'd like to get to the bottom of why yours is showing 64mb, and mine 0mb.. weird. Mine is an E7250 with a 1080p touch screen.. maybe the E7450 has more assigned?
I've been thinking a bit more about the config you attached here... could you go into some details over the specifics of what you have changed at all? I am using r3202 of clover... i think this is the most recent?
ok, found a bit of time to play with this this evening... couple of questions:- first, though i should probably caveat all of the below with the fact that i am using your config.plist, dsdt.aml, and ssdt.aml as downloaded from this thread without modification 1. When setting up the BIOS on the machine, I apply defaults and then set the SATA to AHCI - i assume that this then leaves the BIOS in legacy mode, forcing me to press F12 in order to get the to the one time boot options, and being able to select my USB drive with clover/10.10.3 installer.. 2. The first time i boot, i get a nice 'pretty' clover installer, and then other times (i.e. if i select re-boot) i get a blue screen with very simplistic selection icons... they both seem to function the same though... 3. I start booting the installer, and it kernel panics on com.apple.driver.AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFrameBuffer as I somewhat suspected it would... what I'm unclear of though at this point is how i prevent it from either trying to load that driver, or really fully understanding what i need to do from this blog -> http://www.firewolf.science/2015/04/guide-intel-hd-graphics-5500-on-os-x-yosemite-10-10-3/ I've read that blog and even though you mentioned in post #6 that "if you have an i5-5300u then you're already set" my dedicated video memory is showing up in windows 8.1 as 0mb... so i'm a bit confused. could this be a driver issue not showing up? that to one side... it is really unclear to me how i can achieve step #2 on that guide, is 2.1 or 2.2 more preferable because i'm going to give whichever one is "better" a whirl first.. is 2.2 basically patching the DSDT??
So from a bit of googling looks like i need to find a BCM94352Z... and it seems they are like gold dust! This thread mentions one from DELL (DW1560) but that's a bit of a struggle too, going try our DELL account manager
Cool, I've edited the posts now to have no reference apart from the OP. I noticed you can't separate UEFI and secure boot on the e7250... is this where the issue lies that you talk of? Looks like the AHCI setting is what I'm missing.. will give it a whirl this evening. Also, lucky I didn't order that card then! Haha
Ok, I need a little bit of a hand here getting clover to boot I think on the e7250.. Also.. obviously there is no guide yet for this machine but which config.plist will actually allow me to start working on things? Thanks!
nice, i assume this won't just work out of the box right? i also assume that it will be fine in windows? (where i actually need it for work ) ty
oh also, was there a replacement wifi card for the 7x50 ?
slightly altering my post as i've done a bit more work off my own back now what do you mean in this post by "you don't need the DSDT to boot if you have it patched in the Clover config" ? could you please elaborate on the 'patching' required? Ty.
Ok, so i read the page a few more times and it's pretty clear what needs to happen now. Yes i do have a i5-5300U (if it ever arrives), one thing though I'm really unclear on how to Patch a DSDT (or even get a DSDT for my machine tbh) to inject ig-platform-id, or should i be using clover? which is the 'best' method.. i appreciate best is relative, but I'm still gathering data at this point.. thanks for you're help so far
Excellent, this looks promising, but insanely complex... i've read it twice already, so hopefully will make a bit more sense by the 8th or 9th read through
Ok, I suspected as much.. patience it is, machine not arrived yet anyway. Cheers.
Hi, Bit of an open ended query really... Is it possible to follow the E7x40 guide for this machine... does anyone have any idea on how big the differences are between the two? I am willing to be a guinea pig if not Thanks.