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Everything posted by nimrodel50

  1. Sorry for my late answer, my hardware is: optiplex 760, C2D 3.16Ghz, asus en210 silent 512M. changed the CD rom to been able to auto sleep. latest bios on the optiplex.
  2. Hi I attach my DSDT.aml. I has been very stable for me. dsdt.rar
  3. Hi, It is already attached on a previous post. Do you wan't me to atach it again? or do I need to upload on a different place? Here it is: Extra.zip
  4. Hi all, sorry for my late answer, I just followed the info on this post: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/275921-updated-dell-optiplex-760-sff-setup-for-ml-lion-sl/ I did a clean extraction of my DSDT and with a diff tool I changed all the thing for usb and ahci. That's all.
  5. I got with this dsdt, sleep working with a cd on the cdrom. Changed the cdrom reader for a new one and now autosleep works. happy new year. Extra.zip
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