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  1. El Capitan will be released on the 30th of September. Will this driver work on El Capitan?
  2. I think they do. Have a look here: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/yosemite-laptop-guides/165188-guide-lenovo-y50-y70-uhd-1080p-using-clover-uefi.html This guide for Lenovo Y50 mentions DSDT patching or something like that. The driver provided there for Synaptics (VoodooPS2) enables the keyboard backlight support and brightness keys (Fn combinations). There is a whole lot of users using Lenovo Y50 with Mac due to good performance. I would be really thankful if you looked into this.
  3. Can this be added soon? I think it would be an useful addition as many people with laptops other than Asus have keyboard backlights too.
  4. Does they keyboard backlight in Lenovo Y50-70 work with this driver?
  5. So according to you, what attachment do I use? And what about this question?: Thank you for your response.
  6. I have a Lenovo Y50-70 with ELAN touchpad and I'm about to install Yosemite 10.10.5 on it. I see you got a lot of downloads and feedback on your kexts for this touchpad and I am really keen to try them out. However, I'm trouble understanding what exactly I should be downloading. You provide a lot of attachments in your post and I don't know how to proceed. Which of the attachments do I grab and install to my system once I'm finished with the system installation? EDIT: I think it should be made clearer in the first post on which attachment to download and start using. Don't say "any of them works", because no, it shouldn't be like that. There should be a developer's recommendation on which attachment to use as the first choice. For example, I got confused at the part where some attachments are named ELAN_* and some are SmartTouchPad_* ... What should I get for my ELAN touchpad? This is really confusing. It doesn't feel intuitive to grab those SmartTouchPad_* attachments, when there are ELAN attachments available. I don't know what to do!? What about the three first attachments: SmoothMouse 1.0.5.zip, mouseaccelerationpref11d.zip and Apple Keyboard Layout ID.rtf. What are these about? Do I need to install them? There is NOTHING written about these. This is kinda frustrating and seeing that getting a response here is rare, it makes it even harder to deal with. I just want to move on with my installation and be able to use the provided kexts the best way possible, but not being descriptive enough is a huge issue (for beginners like me at least) Please help.
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