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  1. Thank you for replying my post. As you said in another thread, I’ve tried either methods: update USBInjectAll.kext to the newest version + SSDT patch or using USBport.kext only. None of these method work. I can confirm all my USB ports are recognized successfully because I used USB flash drive to test every single port. The weird thing I’m encountering is: I can only use “tap to click” and “2 finger right click” in Recovery mode and at Logon screen (the step that we have to enter our password after apple logo loading completely). Once I logged on, “tap to click” and “2 finger right click” don’t work anymore. Because of these thing, I assume “tap to click” and “2 finger right click” are disable immediately once I logged on, I’m unable to open TracPad PrepPane to enable them also. I’m figuring out a way to enable these feature by edit file but still have no idea. Any of your suggestion about this problem is really appreciated. Update: I was successfully enable trackpad tap to click by these commands (using terminal): # Enable tap to click defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad Clicking -bool true # Enable "tap-and-a-half" to drag defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad Dragging -int 1 # Enable tap to click for the login screen defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1 # Enable 3-finger drag defaults write com.apple.AppleMultitouchTrackpad TrackpadThreeFingerDrag -bool true Increase trackpad speed: defaults write -g com.apple.trackpad.scaling -float 2.0
  2. My Dell M4700 has Alps V3, I tried all versions of VoodooPS2Controller v4/v5/v6 RC, VoodooPS2Controller by Bronxteck, VoodooPS2Controller by RehabMan on my High Sierra but the system is still not fully recognize the touch pad, no trackpad found in Preference panel. I can still move the mouse cursor (very slow) with touch pad, using 2 fingers to scroll is fine. But tap to click and 2-finger tap to right-click doesn't work. I heard someone said that the system won't recognize touchpad without battery; unfortunately my laptop battery is dead and I'm using AC power so I cannot confirm if it is true.
  3. I installed your kext for my card BCM4313 on Yosemite 10.10.2, I also checked the bluetooth indicator is on. In System Report > Bluetooth it doesn't detect any device. What can I do?
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