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  1. Ok. That fixed the error but the graphics card still flickering Please tell me. How to create a bootable disk to run Mac on My laptop? This is not working :sad: I try 3 days now just the graphics and except camera and sound, nothing else is not working!
  2. When I will finish all this one day, I will ask to send me a complete tutorial to create a bootable Hackintosh with your way. Just now i feel too tired to start all over again I tried the kexts you send me. I have the same problem. Also on Rebuilding cache I get errors!
  3. Because I never made it to create a bootable hackintosh distro. I tried a lot of times but never booted. Also almost every tutorial ask for a Mac. If I had a Mac, why I suppose to create a hackintosh to try mac? I never understood! Also I am a FreeBSD user. That's mean that I use FreeBSD as my main OS and I have not even windows on my computer (Now I have a windows 10 on an hdd just for play NFS most wanted ) and my laptop was running Linux so I had a little problem to create a bootable In the past, when it was free, I was using Iat.... on an Hdd on my desktop. It was amazing. Everything was working excellent. So today after a lot of useless tries to create a bootable hackintosh, i thought just to give 10 euros to buy the Iat... distro. Ps. I wrote again on org.chameleon.Boot.plist <key>IntelCapriFB</key> <string>4<s/tring> And again is not working Also I booted with IntelCapriFB=4 and is still not working. Has no logic all this! This is I get now. AppleIntelHD4000Graphics and AppleIntelFramebufferCapri are not the same as previous that was working
  4. I booted to system using -x -v -f I completely removed Capri strings Now rebooting I get black screen. I start booting using IntelCapriFB=1,2,3,4 On IntelCapriFB=6 & 7 I get kernel panic On all the others I get black screen On IntelCapriFB=4 seems to have something like smashed screen and some other times just works as it should be!!!!!!!! I really cannot understand what's happening! This moment it just works! I booted using IntelCapriFB=4 on boot and I have none Capri string on my boot.plist file. If I reboot probably will stop working again! Here we are: Also another question I have is why now? Two days now, I try every possible combination of CapriFB and this setting, I tried it at least 20 times? Why now? Like somethings is wake up suddenly!
  5. Worked for a moment! I don't know how! I wrote on org.chameleon.Boot.plist <key>IntelCapriFB</key> <string>4<s/tring> Tried to boot with -x just to see if any difference. I got black screen because of the typo I poweroff using the power button I start with -x -v -f IntelCapriFB=5 I edit again the file to fix the mistake Shutdown - Power on and just worked! I shutdown and I rebooted again and now I get an image like my screen is smashed!!! One second to take screen to post the results of the command!
  6. The version is 10.11.2 Yeap. All of the above exist on my S/L/E
  7. ΙAK...OS.I got the latest release before 3 days.
  8. Darwin/x86 boot v5.0.132 - Enoch r2795. I am a FreeBSD user. Is just my first attempt to install mac on my laptop so I have no completely idea what's going on!
  9. Ok. I removed completely <key>ig-platform-id</key> <string>0x0166003</string> and I tried <key>IntelCapriFB</key> with all possible values from 0 to 12. None worked. Every time I login, my screen is Flickering Thanks! Almost nothing is working here so I try to find a way for everything. For example usb2 is not working, Bluetooth not working and battery drains extremely fast (~1% every minute!). Intel HD not working and touchpad worked with this: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1948-elan-focaltech-and-synaptics-smart-touchpad-driver-mac-os-x/ Sound is working
  10. With or without this option? <key>ig-platform-id</key> <string>0x0166003</string> Or doesn't matter? I ask because I already tried all this million times and I am confused because it should work My processor is this: http://ark.intel.com/products/71670/Intel-Core-i7-3632QM-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_20-GHz-BGA and is ivy bridge. Ps. Thanks for helping me
  11. Ok. I tried it but is not working. To be sure this is my org.chameleon.Boot.plist <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>dart=0</string> <key>Boot Graphics</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Legacy Logo</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Quiet Boot</key> <string>No</string> <key>Timeout</key> <string>5</string> <key>CsrActiveConfig</key> <string>103</string> <key>EthernetBuiltIn</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Default Partition</key> <string>6785A4A1-ACE4-3A2A-A1E1-A4924C2001B5</string> <key>GraphicsEnabler</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>PCIRootUID</key> <string>1</string> <key>EnableDualLink</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Graphics Mode</key> <string>1600x900x32</string> <key>ig-platform-id</key> <string>0x0166003</string> <key>IntelCapriFB</key> <string>4</string> <key>GenarateCStates</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>GeneratePStates</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>USBBusFix</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>UseKernelCache</key> <string>Yes</string> </dict> </plist> And this i get during boot (photo from my phone)
  12. I use chameleon Bootlader, I tried all values of InjectIntel-ig for 96 and 64MB with / without IntelCapriFB. Nothing changed. So Try this? <key>ig-platform-id</key> <string>0x01660003</string>
  13. Hi. Worked Perfect on Lenovo P400 touchscreen with El Capitan. The only option missing is this of reverse two finger scrolling (disable natural scrolling). Any idea how to make it work?
  14. Hi. My name is George and I am from Greece. Nice to meet you here I have a Lenovo p400 i7 ivy bridge trying to run El Capitan with chameleon Bootloader. My problem is that El Capitan won't recognize Intel HD 4000 graphics card. Says only 5MB on System Report and my graphics flickering and they are laggy. I played two days now with IntelCapriFB withount any luck. Any help would be very appreciated!
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