Hello all,
I have a Qualcomm Atheros 3011 (Vendor ID 3304) bluetooth adaptor on my Asus K43SV. I managed to get the bluetooth working by installing Rehabman's IOath3frmwr.kext using Kext Utility. I am able to see other bluetooth devices, pair with them and send files to them. However, I was not able to send any files to my Hackintosh from my android phone. I am new to hackintosh, so I am not sure there is a combatibility issue, or any driver installation is required. I do not have any other apple devices to try sending a file.
Also, I am not able to turn of bluetooth. The Option Button is greyed out. I came across various posts on Apple community itself, mentioning that Bluetooth was not turning off even on native hardware. Is this the same issue? Or is it something wrong with my kexts? A verbose mode boot showed nothing. All features except Realtek USB 2.0 card reader, Touchpad (Keyboard issues with EmlyDinesh's driver & Kernal panic with Voodoops2 even after appleps2nub removal ), Alcor Webcam work perfectly on my Hackintosh.
Can anyone guide me on how to turn off my bluetooth, as the battery drain is significant? I will try bluetooth file transfer using a apple device to send file to my Hackintosh and post back tomorrow.
Edit: Tried sending a file from my Samsung Galaxy S3. I get a notification Network is unavailable. On a closer look, after I double click the device and connect it, the status immediately changes to Not Connected. Outbound files transfers are fine.