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  1. Hi, I'm back with goodish news. I added my own firmware ala @Hervé, and at first it wasn't working, firmware was not being uploaded. As the last thing to try I figured I'd redo my USB kext. Opened Hackintool, and realized that my bluetooth was no longer set as Internal for whatever reason. It was now showing as USB2. Deleted my USB kext previously created with Hackintool, loaded injectUSBAll, rebooted, re-did my port selection, and it's now working. I can connect to my receiver and stream music, but I can't seem to get connected to my iPhone, it pairs and all, but never connects successfully, therefore I have no handoff or continuity. All in all is great progress, but that was the only reason why I wanted bluetooth besides tuning my car ECU over bluetooth lol. I have the BT4LEContinuity fix kext in LE but no luck. Maybe it's something to doublecheck in the case of this thread. We have different IDs but the concept is the same.
  2. I think it’s normal to see BCM2045A0, I see the same in windows before installing drivers with the Lenovo version. Herve, I will try this with my 6414, I’m on my phone now and I don’t quite understand what you did right now, but I’m hoping that when I’m in front of the computer browsing in Xcode I’ll be able to follow. I have a 1560 coming in the mail but if I can get this Lenovo one working then that’s $25 cheaper. if the 1560 is way more stable I might just do the jump and forget about it, but I really want this one to work since it’s been such a pain.
  3. Just confirmed bluetooth working with the above firmware but this time in MacOS. I booted into Windows, used bluetooth for a bit, streaming music kinda far from the receiver, no lags, no disconnects. Booted into MacOS, bluetooth works with the firmware above loaded. I believe it's leftover firmware from when booted to Windows, so I don't know if it's being reuploaded by mac or not. Any way to check?
  4. So I have a Thinkpad x1 yoga 20fr. Everything works, even the touch screen, the last thing I need is bluetooth. The Wifi works, bluetooth is detected, I can search for devices and I can pair, but the connection fails every time. I tried the card with and without pin masking, at this point it works regardless. No crashes that I'm aware of. ASPM = 0. I installed Windows just to check if the card itself works, and it does. I extracted the matching hex firmware from it (attached). I tried building my own RAMpatches based on acidanthera's 2.5.2 version with said firmware added, the way I did it was using the firmware_update.tool in the build files and feeding it the firmware folder from Windows with all the hexes. The update tool runs, I rebuild the kext, but I still see the wrong version firmware when I check the system info. So what I tried then was just rename the attached hex as the one used by acidanthera, and replaced it in the firmware folder, rebuilt the kext in xcode... same thing, no difference. I am suspicious that I'm actually not updating the firmware in the card, and that if I managed to get the attached one uploaded it would work fine. Anyone has any clues of what I'm doing wrong or how can I force the injection of that firmware in Catalina? (I see a firmwareinjector but seems to be building itself for the rampatch version 2, I might be wrong though). I see an extra_firmwares folder but I don't know how to use it. I've attached my kexts. I've been reading for days and I haven't been able to find enough people with this card, the troubleshooting thread seems closed or I would've posted there. Thanks! BCM4350C5_003.006.007.0095.1668.hex.zip 2.5.2 with my firmwares.zip
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