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  1. Latest DSDT boots, But still no brightness controls. I got my trackpad finally working, ALPS device. ApplePS2Smarttouch kext seemed to do it. Attached is my latest debug. debug_21976.zip
  2. 13,1 Smbios wouldn't boot. I can get 11,1 and 11,2 to boot. Still no Brightness controls. Also tried clearing NVRAM. Attached are latest debug. debug_15603.zip
  3. Debug attached Thanks for looking at this for me.. debug_5564.zip
  4. It seems to rebuild in the cache, but during reboot, the first boot crashes then it reboots a second time normally. But without any Brightness controls. odd. lol.
  5. Its currently in my L/E folder. But i did notice its not showing up in my kextcache logs. Wonder if its it due to fakesmc being in clover/kexts/other?
  6. Ok, Replaced with attached DSDT and added SSDT-PNLF. System still boots fine but still no display brightness options. It seems backlight is showing in NVRAM. Attached are my debugging files. Send me Pauls-MacBook-Pro-111.zip
  7. Awesome! Thank you @Jake Lo, Ill give this a shot when i get back to my rig. Also, ive noticed my trackpad has issues. I can use the trackpad with minimal settings. But in system preferences it doesnt show. Using the usual VoodooPS2 kext for usual trackpad functions. Any ideas?
  8. Im back, Got another dell laptop here and ive had some decent success getting it up and running. I have almost everything working except for display backlight/brightness controls. Ive tried the usual SSDT-PNLF and kexts to patch and AppleBacklightinjector.kext. In display it would show the brightness control slider but the second you clicked on it the screen would go black. And it wasnt easy to get up and going again lol. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated Attached is my current clover folder. CLOVER.zip
  9. Im still have the same issue with the UHD620. I've been trying new things in the FB-patcher app and the WhateverGreen and Lilu process. But still no luck. Its insane really. I feel your pain lol.
  10. What value do you think I should start at? 0x76D 0x2 = 64mb?
  11. Well we seem to be at a halt. Seems like my machine may not be compatible with CFL Drivers. Ive tried everything in my capabilities to fix it and Ive had some amazing help throughout the forums. But we just cant seem to come up with a fix. It just wont accept changing the device ID for some reason. 5917 is the ID. But anytime i try to fake that ID the machine locks at IOScreenLockState. So IDK. Any other ideas would be much appreciated
  12. Really DVMT? Even after i ran the Setup_var command? It should be set to 160mb? Maybe my values are different. How can you tell its DVMT from the verbose output?
  13. I wonder why it shows i have 2 devices? Theres no other GPU in this laptop.. I wonder if i need to disable the 0x14 device? or that its been my problem the whole time.
  14. I cant see anything that you added for your device properties on your haswell. And also i notice on my generated-config theres 2 PCI devices labeled. PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) = IGPU and PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0) = ???
  15. That's correct. So is this a port patch? It's hard to see on my phone lol.
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