Thanks! Loving your guide to patch appleHDA.kext! I out of the three guides I have found your's is the most complete and easiest to follow. I have a suggestion for it in Section 2 where we start correcting the verb data. It would be great if you mentioned which row each note is corresponding to. Or offered some explanation about how each row is connected to a verb command standard. Correcting the verb data was very confusing at first. Left row = 071C; [Default Association:Sequence] Lmid = 71d; [Color:JackSense-Internal\External] Rmid= 71e; [intended use of the Jack:Connection type] Right row = 71f [Port Connectivity:Location-Convert to binary-8 digits] ------------- Also in Post 3 Codecs info It looks like you gave us a little cheat sheet at the end there however I'm not understanding where you get 71cf. I think you meant 71f. Am I misunderstanding?
Also at the top of this section, not quoted, you mention that you are reading bits from left to right, However it appears that you are counting the bits from right to left. Starting at bit 0. Which would explain why there is no mention of bit 8.