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Crostini - howto install and manage Resiliosync


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One of my favorite sync software is ResilioSync (former torrentsync) - its unique because its a real "mesh" sync - whereas others are essentially extremely centralized - in line with as much other - i dont like centralized systems.

In this post we are going to discuss how you can install resiliosync in crostini - and more important - how you can manage it.

Resiliosync can either be installed via a DEB package (which for most users maybe is the most easy way to go around it) since is not in the default debian package tree - however - if you choose to go with a package tree installation you will also get updates.. so thats what we are going for here.

Instructions for this is on: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206178924-Installing-Sync-package-on-Linux - but for the sake of the arguement - i'll post them here also.

  1. Start by opening up a crostini console and change to root, type: sudo su
  2. Lets add the rep. to the package tree, type: echo "deb http://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/deb resilio-sync non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list
  3. Add public key with the following command: wget -qO - https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
  4. Update packages index, type: sudo apt-get update;
  5. Install sync, type: sudo apt-get install -y resilio-sync


ResilioSync is now installed.. but we need to configure it and figure out howto access it.


First its important to find the IP address of your crostini - to my knowledge this IP is static and wont change... type: ifconfig




In this case - you can see that my crostini IP address is: - remember this ip address for later


The configuration for Sync is stored in: /etc/resilio-sync/

Listing the files in there:

root@penguin:/etc/resilio-sync# ls -la

total 12

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 92 Sep 12 13:19 .

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2402 Sep 12 13:19 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 174 May 23 16:42 config.json

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 951 May 23 16:40 init_user_config.sh

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 193 May 23 16:40 user_config.json


config.json is the file we are looking for - i will use "nano" to edit it with - if you dont have nano, install it with "apt-get install -y nano"


Now lets edit the file and have a look at it, type: nano /etc/resilio-sync/config.json


The standard config.json file looks like this:

Now its time to update / and add a few items.. like device_name, storage_path, listen, login and password... have a look at this:

NOTICE: the storage path is for settings - not where you will actually sync folders to.. that will be decided via the webinterface




Make your changes and save your file using CTRL+O


Remember to create the primary storagepath folder.. in my case i use /home/leon/synced (since i can access /home/leon from the chrome OS files app) - i also chmod the folder in order to make sure sync can access it - there is properly a better way todo this, but its just me who is going to access it - so security is less important.

root@penguin:/etc/resilio-sync# mkdir /home/leon/synced/
root@penguin:/etc/resilio-sync# chmod -R 777 /home/leon/synced/


Now that we have configured sync, its time to restart the sync application and access the webinterface.


We'll do it like this:

root@penguin:/etc/resilio-sync# /etc/init.d/resilio-sync stop
[ ok ] Stopping resilio-sync (via systemctl): resilio-sync.service.
root@penguin:/etc/resilio-sync# /etc/init.d/resilio-sync start
[ ok ] Starting resilio-sync (via systemctl): resilio-sync.service.


Open a web browser an goto: http://YOUR_CROSTINI_IPADDR:8888/gui/ .. follow the guide to setup the last things - if everything went ok you should have something like this on your screen:




Congratulations - you now have ResilioSync on your chromebook and you can access it via your files app.

Let the sync begin :)


Make sure Resiliosync starts automaticlly (when you start crostini):
$ systemctl enable resilio-sync
$ service resilio-sync start



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