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E7240 Catalina - No BT/WIFI, and now locked out


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Catalina installed via USB stick with Clover.  Generic and E7240/7440 EFI taken from this site.  Sound, screen and LAN working.


No Wireless or Bluetooth.  Debug attached.  Have tried manually adding a few kexts, and now it won't boot unless I go to safe mode.


Any ideas on getting access back (have been booting from USB installer and deleting kexts, but can't find the issue!)?  Also what am I missing for Wifi/BT?






debug_15225.zipFetching info...

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what wireless device does it have???


Not sure what kexts you added and to where, so can't tell you what to remove. 

Best you remove whatever you had added, just keep the original bootpack

then repair permission and rebuild cache 

reboot normally

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OK, so I've just found this and it worked - I have WIFI!



Need help with bluetooth!  Will keep digging


So now, how do I double check that I don't have anything slightly off?  I guess I'm asking how I know if I'm "done"???   Or is it just a case of looking out for stuff that looks odd?

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