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E6430 Nvidia Yosemite install help


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I will skip this for sure then. Are there any more boot flags to try? And the kext folders are all empty except for kexts/Other but do not see a need for this either. By the way, the 'Options' button has a lot of sections just not sure what they all do. I put a screenshot maybe something here will make it work. 


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All empty folders except /Other is intended. You can even remove those folders if you want. But...you don't see a need for kexts? :)) Unfortunately, you will need a couple of those if you want to boot. The log mentions something about unsupported CPU. So I'm guessing, some of the things in config, or maybe one of the kexts, could help with that. If you want, you can remove information from smbios and upload your EFI to take a closer look. There's not much you can do from that menu.

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I see but what is the point of the empty folders in Kexts except for Kexts/Other? I do not need the kexts from the zip file in linked guide as they are for getting sleep to work which will not make the  installer  load. I doubt the bit about unsupported CPU is causing installer to go black and reboot. The 'Options' button has a plethora of settings in each of the menus shown in the picture. For example the 'CPU tuning menu' has a bunch of boxes to check or uncheck as do the other sections called 'menu' But I have no idea what they do, although I'm sure if check the right ones the installer will work, but how to find them?

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The Option menu is basically for you to temporarily change settings to your Config file if you made a mistake and system no longer boot.

Are you using your own Config file or the one I had linked?


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Ok let's say I change config file from the Option menu and installer loads.So after installing Yosemite it will not save the change that was done? 

I'm using the config file that is on the USB that I made using your Clover guide as the one linked here is for El Capitan and Sierra not Yosemite.

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Good question. The point of the empty folders is to allow you to separate your kexts for each version of MacOS, in case you need different kexts for different versions. :)  If you use the same ones, obviously there's no need for those and you can put all your kexts in the /Other folder.


As for the other question, that's why it would have been a lot easier to just compare your config to the one that Jake linked on the previous page. For as far as I can tell, it's the same laptop model. So...chances are it might work without any modifications. Same for ACPI files. The kext miight need a bit of dusting off. :)) But...again, I think it would still be easier than trying to fiddle around with that menu.


I took some time to update the EFI folder from the archive on the thread Jake suggested before. You should now have updated Clover, kexts, drivers. Config and patched SSDT and DSDT have been kept the same.


See if you can boot with this one. 


Also, the config doesn't change as much as you might think between versions. So it's not like you need a separate config for each version. 

And yes, that menu is just for testing different stuff. The changes won't be saved.


EFI.zipFetching info...

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Sure no problem. Right I seem to recall needing different versions of some kext for one OS X version as opposed to another hope that is not the case here.  Yes so whatever is in Kexts/Other will work with OS X Yosemite up to Catalina then. 


That's a great idea, I will post my config.plist here so someone can take a look at it see why it causes a black screen and reboot. It is quite a simple config.plist file compared to the one linked here it is smaller and I think it can  be easily edited by a person more versed in Hackintosh than I am. Whoever is able to fix it please let me know exactly what is added or removed and why. That way I will learn what is missing from it. I know the 'Options' menu could make installer run but there is too much stuff in there to find what needs to be checked or unchecked. 


Sounds great, but I'm having a hard time seeing what it is you changed as opposed to the original from the linked thread. 


I prefer to find out what is wrong with my config.plist file first. 


That is quite helpful to keep this in mind. But I will take my chances with editing my config.plist I have a feeling it only needs one or two changes to get the installer running.

That is too bad then, but just testing is very important as it helps to figure what works and what does not.

config.zipFetching info...

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Config file is totally wrong for this system.

You have an IvyBridge which should be MBA5,1 or MBP9,1 and not Haswell MBA6,2 which is what you have set.

The Graphics injection is also wrong as you have it at HD4400/HD4600, you need it to be either 03006601 for low res or 04006610 for high resolution.

But since you have Optimus disabled, Intel HD graphics be disabled anyway.

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Well that explains why the installer goes black and reboots.

I see but just changed it to MBA5,1 and MBP9,1 using the 'Options' menu and still get black screen and reboot.

It must have been set to HD4400/HD4600 since they are common integrated graphics, how would 03006601 or 04006610 look inside the config.plist file?

Don't you mean since I have Optimus disabled, Intel HD graphics will be disabled anyway? As Windows only detects NVidia card.

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