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OSX: Howto to run Dos games


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So, with the re-launch of http://www.gog.com/ i found my self wanting to run some games (in this case Master of Magic) on OSX...


Knowing that i offcourse just could load up a virtual machines in VMware fusion, it just seemed like over kill.


So, after a bit of googling, i found my new best friend... DOSBox -> http://www.dosbox.com/


When first started you get a plane empty dos console *sweeet*, so to load up a game.. i did like this:


1. Create a folder somewhere, call it eg. "dos" (without the "", this will be your new C:)

2. In the dos console, type "mount C /dos"


Now we have a C drive, that also is a folder we can access in osx *sweet*, so i copied over MOM and ran magic.exe... .. and .. PROFIT! :D


Do do you know of any solution that works better ?

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