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Dell Latitude 7370 mojave boot errors


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You don't understand. The patches are about IONVMeFamily vanilla kext, not about an add-on kext you inject in your bootloader setup.  It's an integral part of macOS, located in /S/L/E. Prefix "com.apple.iokit." should have been enough to suss that out. Looks like you have some reading and learning to do.


A hint for eventual future needs: look at kexts info in SysInfo->Software->Extensions. You'll see what we're talking about and why...

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Given that you don't seem to be fully familiar with OC config files and manual adjustments, I suggest you experiment with OpenCoreConfigurator (OCC) tool and a blank/empty config file first; then you'll see where such patches go. In fact, I dare suggesting you stick to using such tools.

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