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ML on Samsung Serie 5 530U3C-A01


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After getting some great help by the people from OS X Latitude I wanted to give a little report on the installation of OS X on a Samsung 530U3C-A01 Ultrabook.


First of all: The screen is not working and probably never will be working correctly! Only HDMI is an option. This is due to the specific model of the screen, which is Samsung SEC 0200. If you have a different screen you're notebook might be working very well. So you should check you respective screen model.


I wanted to clearify this so that you're not disappointed during the reading of this thread. And the supplied Extra folder is made for my exact model, which has a Core i5-3317U.


EMlyDinEsH provided me with some extraordinary help, and I'm amazed by the efforts he put into helping me!


So much for the preface and now to the installtion and what could be done with the 530U3C:


The first thing I did was installing a new BIOS using the tools provided by Samsung on their support site. Under firmware they provide a tool that's called "Update Software". This is actually a Windows program that is used to install the latest BIOS. So you need Windows for doing this.


After this you should adjust the BIOS settings. So open the BIOS via F2 and go to Boot and set "UEFI Boot Support" to "Disabled". This is important as there is a bug in UEFI that can break your system nonrecoverable.

I have the following settings in Adcanced section:

CPU Power Saving Mode: Enabled

Hyperthreading: Enabled

EDB: Enabled

Fast BIOS Mode: Disabled

AHCI Mode Control: Manual

Set AHCI Mode: Enabled

Battery Life Cycle Extension: Enabled

USB Charge In Sleep: Enabled

USB 3 Wake-up: Disabled

Turbo Control: Enabled

Intel ® AT Technology Suspend On: Disabled


So now you've to prepare a bootable USB stick using myHack. You can find a discription of the process on the myHack website. The important part is "Step1 - Ceate OS X 10.6. 10.7 or 10.8 Installer".  I used 10.8 Mountain Lion.


After preparing the USB stick you have to run myHack once again and select the option "Install Extra". Using this option you can install the Extra-folder attached to this thread. By now you should have a USB stick that can be used to install OS X. Now things are quite straight forward. Simply plug in the USB stick and boot you notebook using this stick (I adjusted the BIOS settings accordingly). Your machine should boot but when coming to the graphical installtion process the screen is very dark (like it's covered with a grey veil). Sadly this can not be changed.

Now the installtion process will ask you for a bluetooth mouse and keyboard. But you can simply plug in an USB mouse and keyboard. You only have to plug it in shortly but you can use the touchpad and build in keyboard of the notebook. After this the installtion can be done as on a real Mac. In the end of the instation process myHack will ask you to remove some packages but you can keep them, they don't have to be removed. Afterwards you can restart the PC but you still have to use the USB stick to boot. You will be promted a selection whether to boot formt the USB stick or from HDD (OS X). Boot from HDD and you're done.


That's what can be done so far. Of course you would have to install a boot loader. But I stopped at this point.


The good thing is that you can fully use the HDMI output. So you could use this machine with an external monitor nicely. I only tested VGA briefly, didn't work. But sleep is working, which is nice.


EMlyDinEsH has put a lot of efforts into patching DSDT files and kexts to get the screen working. But sadly Samsung isn't following general standards so getting anything more than this dark faded looking screen was not possible. So if you really want an Ultrabook that's working nicely with OS X you should look for something else. I'd advice you to have a look at Samsung Serie 9 900X3 (there is a nice thread about one of those models here on OSXLatitude) or ASUS Zenbook UX32VD. They are included in the EDP package, but you might have to make sure that you choose the correct version, as the DSDT file has to be patched for the right CPU type as far as I know.


Ok that's it.


Thanks for reading.


Ps. as a side note, I'll be using Linux on this machine. Ubuntu LTS 12.4.2 was working nicely in a first test, but you should update the BIOS as well and disable UEFI mode - very important!

Extra.zipFetching info...

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  On 5/9/2013 at 11:56 AM, firefly1 said:

FYI lid sleep is working, eventhough it takes a moment to go to sleep (using a hdd)

You can speed up going to sleep (a lot) by telling OS X to suspend to RAM rather than disk (which also gets you some disk space back):
  1. sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
  2. sudo rm -f /private/var/vm/sleepimage
Chameleon supposedly has the ability to resume from a suspended disk image, but in my case, even when suspended to disk in OS X, my laptop never powers off and I've never been offered by Chameleon to resume booting from the saved disk image.

and you have to push the power button twice to wake it up again. But that's not a big deal to me.

That seems to be the norm for modern Samsung laptops: aylim1 (on the tonycrapx86 forum) managed to get waking up on his NP550P5C down to 2 presses of the power button (from 5-6!) by "[enabling the] embedded controller as a wake resource. Add _PRW to [the] H_EC Scope in the DSDT".
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  On 5/6/2013 at 12:10 PM, firefly1 said:

The good thing is that you can fully use the HDMI output. So you could use this machine with an external monitor nicely. I only tested VGA briefly, didn't work. But sleep is working, which is nice.


Please tell me what you did for working sleep?
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Dinesh already helped me a lot in getting this working. HDMI is working fine, only with my TV screen there are some problems, but this is not related to OS X, as I ve the very same problem under Linux and Win 7.



I didn t do anything special for sleep to work. It just went to sleep when I closed the lid.

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