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Mac OS X Lion Install Guide for Dell Inspiron 1525

Mahesh Kondraju

Mac OS X Lion Install Guide for Dell Inspiron 1525  

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Am getting few requests & personal messages as how to install Lion on Dell Inspiron 1525. So here am starting a thread with instructions for a successful install.



Installing Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion 10.7.0 on Dell Inspiron 1525:


1. Firstly make sure u get a bootable Retail Mac OS X Lion DVD and install the Mac OS X System & then reboot into windows (Guessing windows already installed and in use)


2. Reason for logging into windows is snow or lion freezes without DSDT.aml in place ( you may also face this problem while installing lion so place DSDT.aml in root of the bootable usb drive or DVD before burning u can do this using transmac)


3. Install macdrive 8


4. then place DSDT.aml into snow or lion root partition


5. Now unrar 10.6.8 or 10.7.0 kexts for DELL 1525 archive and copy Extra folder and paste it into ur snow or lion root partition and replace & overwrite everything.


6. restart the system and boot into snow or lion


7. Now install 10.7.2 combo update, after successful install do not restart force quit the installer from apple menu.


8. Delete intelcpupowermanagement.kext and intelcpupowermanagementclient.kext present in system/library/extensions and then clear the caches present in System/library/Caches, most important step is to delete kernelcache


9. Now use kext utility.app from my utility apps folder and move it to desktop, now drag and drop all kexts in s_l_e folder of the kext pack onto this kext utility app on the desktop and it installs automatically


10. now finally use smcK-stat-i.app to monitor ur system heat and optionally u can use pstate menu to sppedstep the system and finally install latest chameleon bootloader and champlist and in champlist navigate it to the path of DSDT, SMBIOS and org.chameleon.boot.plist and restart.


thats it all done hopefully u can dual boot both mac os x and windows



Mahesh Kondraju

DSDT.rarFetching info...

10.6.8 or 10.7.0 KEXTS for DELL 1525.rarFetching info...

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have you tried disabling hibernation?

in terminal type each line then hit enter after each...


pmset hibernatemode 0

touch /var/vm/sleepimage

rm /var/vm/sleepimage


on some of our latitude models they needs a bios password.. you can check the wiki for instructions.... maybe your needs one? idk

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  On 11/2/2011 at 12:43 PM, deepakv75 said:

Hi Mahesh,


I have successfully install Lion on my inspiron 1525, but the webcam is not working. Could you help me on this





Hi Deepak,


Sorry for a late reply, well i dont have a webcam in my dell inspiron 1525 and i guess u seems to be using my DSDT thats the reason y ur not able use ur webcam. Extract ur DSDT from windows using DSDTSE and locate ur webcam device and its code and paste it in currently using DSDT.dsl, compile and generate an new DSDT.aml hopefully it works.

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  On 11/10/2011 at 12:01 PM, Baltieri said:


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I have some difficulty, to start Lion installation on dell, it is just reboot every time, please tell me, which boot cd you used ? which chameleon cd boot I need ? Thanks !


Hi Baltieri,


just use a mac os x lion retail bootable iso dvd, if it freezes while installing try to place the DSDT.aml in the root of the dvd using transmac and then burn it to DVD. hopefully it works. if ur still finding problems then i recommend u to intall snow leopard first, u can use the iFail s3 v2.

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hi guys, i need some, help, i do everythink, but when i install 10.7.2 combo update, i force quit the installer from apple menu.but i can´t find intelcpupowermanagement.kext and intelcpupowermanagementclient.kext to delete!!


what im doing wrong???



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