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Ethernet on D620?


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it should work.... if not then your ethernet might have issues. i have 2 d620's one ethernet does not work because they used a bios password wipe software witch seems to have wiped the ethernets rom i think it was called asset recovery. and the other works fine

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Ethernet doesn't work out of the box for OS X. You need to install EDP. Once EDP is installed and you have restarted, go to Network, and it should say a new Network Interface has been added to your system, called Ethernet. Now you are able to use Ethernet.

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Of course I am running EDP 2.1. Ethernet does show up in network settings, but it says no cable is connected. However, in fact the router shows link. Also the little led's on the D620 ethernet jack light up. The one closer to the case edge stays on while the interior led blinks.

Ifconfig does not show en0.


I can dual boot this D620 to SL. Ethernet works fine when I boot to SL (with EDP 1.9). Ifconfig shows en0, network settings shows connected, outer led is off, inner one blinks.


Any ideas? I've seen some postings about editing some config files else where, but I thought EDP 2.1 took care of it. One symptom of no ethernet is apparently that the app store won't validate (I do have wifi working).

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  On 11/2/2011 at 12:30 AM, Daniel said:

In EDP 2.1 the etherned kext was damaged. Please use EDP 2.2 beta. Link: http://cl.ly/2F0X0L033D271S0t3A3W


Yes, beta 2.2 solved the ethernet issue, thanks! It also has GMA950 brightness fix working.


So the next thing I have to resolve going from SL to Lion is the sleep issue. Is anything known to work? Previously I had used the




instructions on SL. Now I see EDP has a sleepenabler option. Is that a substitute for the OSX side of the manual instructions? Does either work on D620/GMA950/Lion?

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  On 11/6/2011 at 7:42 PM, Daniel said:

Of course sleep works too. You just need to set a password in BIOS.


Yes, I know about the password in BIOS. I had this working on SL. I'm just wondering if the instructions in




are still necessary, or if the EDP "sleepenabler option" does all the configuration except setting the password.


In addition I'm confused since




says sleepenabler doesn't work.

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well regarding the last link it works fine on my intel graphics... add a bios password like wiki states the terminal stuff now can be done from edp we integrated it into the sleep fix option... not to be confused with sleep enabler kext.

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