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  1. I have to thank this great forum. Today I have successfully installed catalina 10.15.5. And I also successfully updated 10.15.6. Apparently, the "Opencore" method is also being actively discussed, but I'm not sure if the I've come to the conclusion that "Clover" has a better track record with less trouble. Here are the topics I referred to for the installation. 1) Catalina Clover Guide https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-vostro-xps-clover-guide/?tab=comments#comment-94956 Special thanks: JakeLo 2) Wireless cards https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/11138-inventory-of-supportedunsupported-wireless-cards-2-sierra-catalina/?tab=comments# comment-86614 Special thanks: Hervé Finally, the Latitude's internal card works with the following kext. I just use the TPLINK wireless module. MacOS will be Arm-based and osxlatitude will be more prolific. I'd like to contribute if I can. The best I can do right now is to donate via Paypal, lol.
  2. I succeeded in installing Mojave with e7240. I thank all the participants of this wonderful forum. Both audio and WiFi are running smoothly. Bluetooth does not work, but it is natural. Because Hervé is recommending replacing, as follows. My procedure is very simple. 1) First of all, read Hervé's post carefully. 2) Next, follow the great content of Jake Lo. * My Kext referred to the contents of this article. * Please let me express my sincere gratitude once again.
  3. Hello everybody. Thanks to you guys I am using high sierra at E7240. I have one question. Is trackpad [swipe between pages] supported? It seems that browser's return gesture is not supported. (Of course, It was checked by system preferences.) Other gestures (eg scrolling) are working fine. I referred to the following. ·https://github.com/douglas/OS-X-ALPS-DRIVER/releases/tag/R7A1(Use this) ·https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1948-elan-focaltech-and-synaptics-smart-touchpad-driver-mac-os-x/ · And my log is as follows. donaldant$ log show | grep ALPS 2018-02-19 08:06:35.342747+0900 0xea Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (kernel) ALPS: Found a V3 Rushmore TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x22 Thank you.
  4. I realized osxlaittude at e7240 (High Sierra). Thank you, Hervé, Jake Lo and all of you. Without the help of everyone, it did not come true. (When I encountered trouble, I was able to solve with advice from Hervé, Jake Lo.Thank you once again. ) Thank you for everything from Japan.
  5. Jake Lo , Hervé Thank you for your reply. I installed the following devices. -WiFi (My WiFi device is DW 380.) FakePCIID.kext FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext BrcmFirmwareData.kext BrcmPatchRAM2.kext -Touchpad Dr Hurt's latest VoodooPS2 kexts .post #1 Release 4/5 I will use this weekend to investigate more. Thanks.
  6. Hervé. Thank you for the advice. I tried several times based on your advice, but Wifi and MultiTouch did not work.(But Bluetooth moved.) [My way] 1. I installed Dr Hurt 's Voodoo PS 2 kexts using Kext Wizard. Version tried both 4 and 5. As a result, the trackpad not found error has disappeared, but it is the same as before. 2. I installed Rehabman's kexts in the same way. As a result, Bluetooth can now be used, but WiFi could not be used. [References] https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-BrcmPatchRAM -MultiTouch https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/os-x-voodoo-ps2-controller/downloads https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8285-refined-alps-touchpad-driver/ -KextWizart http://www.osx86.net/files/file/4304-kext-wizard-3711/ Thanks
  7. Hi,All I challenged the osx project for the past three weeks. (That was very difficult and tough). As a result, I was able to confirm the operation it. First of all thanks to the osx project. ===================== Special thanks:Jake Lo ===================== Conclusion: I followed this installation and succeeded. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-clover-guide/?p=54632 #I selected this folder. 6430u_1366x768.zip Working -10.12.2 OSX -Audio -USB2/3.0 -Battery Monitor -Ethernet Not Working -Bluetooth -Wi-Fi -D-Sub(External monitor) -Touch Pad(Molti touch) My E6330 specs: Intel Core i5 (3rd Gen) 3320M / 2.6 GHz 8GB RAM 1368 x 768 LCD Mobile Intel QM77 Express chipset References: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/308711-guide-run-os-x-el-capitan-on-a-dell-latitude-e6320/ #Sorry, not working. In my environment, a stop sign appeared during installation. Probably, I think the contents of the EFI folder are different. Thank you for your attention.
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