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Everything posted by lucattelli

  1. Hi Leon! I had the same problem as you did. I also found the original article you linked to, but wasnt able to replicate the fdisk partitioning represented there. Yours worked just fine, thank you so much for sharing this information with us. I added a intermediate step to your step1.sh and step2.sh, which basically partitions the disk as required. Its contents follows below: # As Ubuntu 16.04 sometimes automatically mounts after step1.sh, this unmount them all before we continue. mdadm --stop /dev/md* # now, to the partitioning section ( # partition /dev/sdd2 echo n echo p echo 2 echo 4018176 echo 1953525167 echo t echo 2 echo fd # partition /dev/sdd6 echo n echo 518144 echo 620543 echo t echo 6 echo 83 # partition /dev/sdd7 echo n echo 622592 echo 724991 echo t echo 7 echo fd # partition /dev/sdd8 echo n echo 727040 echo 2365439 echo t echo 8 echo fd # partition /dev/sdd9 echo n echo 2367488 echo 4005887 echo t echo 9 echo fd # save all changes echo w ) | fdisk /dev/sdd # this last part is needed because sometimes fdisk hangs at this batch procedure. partprobe Hope this helps other people out there.
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