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Everything posted by acquarius.13

  1. I've tried an Ubuntu Live USB and also in this case no LAN... Now I will try again to reinstall windows to see if something change but I am now hopeless..
  2. Thanks Bronxteck. Did you manage to solve it?
  3. I reset again after flashing. That's why I wrote. Should I downgrade Bios to A10?
  4. after bios flashing EC is not booting anymore, but that issue remained anyhow
  5. A question: during the installation process I was not able to perform ssdt.sh to generate my own ssdt. Could this be another problem?
  6. To be honest, in S/L/E I didn't have any AppleIntelE1000e.kext to be removed, as in Maui kext guide. Could be this an hidden information that something has gone wrong?
  7. Sorry guys..it was wrong again. I tried disabling/enabling legacy boot option, enabling/disabling LAN from bios, installing new version of Mausi kext..but no way Should I repeat the whole installation process? It's a little bit frustrating..
  8. I can try to repeat all the steps. What could be wrong if I follow all the steps? I'm sorry to be so silly..I just would like to make all working correctly. Thanks again for your patience and support
  9. This is what I have in system preferences --> network
  10. Sorry Hervé but I know which is system preferences! There I cannot add any PPPoE because Ethernet interface field is void
  11. Unfortunately this is not true because macOS seems not to have any PCI ethernet installed.. I just have a bluetooth connection in system preferences --> network. Is this the cause of this issue?
  12. Ok, no way both in S/L/E or in /L/E. Now Mausi kext is put in /L/E and system profiler says something like in pic attached. In BIOS, LAN is enabled with PXE. Do I have to put to enable only? Do I have to enable UEFI LAN stack?
  13. I changed the screen resolution in system preferences (I lowered down) and the graphic issue is solved, with legacy boot option disabled, but LAN is still not working. System profiler doesn't show any Mausi kext working. Now I will retry to install it in S/L/E or in L/E
  14. Good morning Jake..here in Italy is morning.. I still get stripes on the screen if I disable legacy boot option I'm still a newbie of the forum..I'm not able to attach a pic here..
  15. I've just tried to disable legacy boot, but when I do that, graphic is corrupted and I can see only stripes on the screen...so I cannot know if ethernet is enabled!
  16. I used the EFI shell, as reported into the guide
  17. @Hervé: Nothing good even with that procedure, that gave no errors @Jake Lo: If I disable legacy boot room I get corrupted display
  18. Thank you Hervé! Sorry..before I forgot to mention that I already tried to install Mausi kext via kext installer but no way..
  19. Hi everybody, I successfully installed El Capitan on a E7450 as in my signature following the guide posted by Jake Lo https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8514-dell-latitude-e7450-clover-uefi-only/&do=findComment&comment=54665 Following the guide, I was able to accomplish all the points apart auto SMBios and SSDT generation. As the subject of my topic I cannot make the LAN working. From windows the LAN adapter is named as Intel Ethernet connection I1218-LM While waiting for the new WLAN card, is there anything I can do to make the LAN to work? Thank you so much in advance
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