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Everything posted by acquarius.13
Second boot has gone correctly. I connected to icloud and then I reboot again, to verify everything is ok. Should I also update clover to the last 4722? Many big thanks @Jake Lo
First boot has gone correctly. Now I reboot and I give you a feedback. Should I keep the verbose boot?
Now I’m not able to boot even if I revert to previous patches folder and config.plist Now I feel so unlucky..
This is the new KP I get sorry for delayed reply
I removed it from L/E but no results. I left it there in EFI/Clover/kext/Other/CopyToLE..is it a problem?
This is after reboot, where I encountered also sleep just before arriving to login screen
I removed all sensors, repaired permissions and rebuilt cache. Snapshot of result is attached. Now I try to reboot
Before telling me I’m quite stupid, I removed also the other copy of FakePCIID_XHCI.kext from SLE, repaired permissions and rebuilt cache. I was able to boot once, but at reboot it failed again. It stops many times at that ACPI Sensors
I apologize for my bad English. I wanted to say that system boots randomly, I would say once every 2-3 attempts, and it seems to boot only in verbose mode (but this might be only my impression). Nevertheless, this is one of the attempts when it booted so I'm attaching debug. In this attempt I have brightness but no sound (as the last time it booted)
I kept intelhaxm.kext and removed the else. It booted, but I didn’t have brightness control. So I repaired permissions and rebuilt cache. I rebooted and it worked. Then I accidentally put to stop and waked: stop was working. Then I rebooted and it didn’t boot. So I switched off and booted in verbose plus debug0x100. And this was the result. I switched off and booted again in verbose+debug0x100 and it booted again, with brightness but no sound.
Sure! This is the L/E folder: ACS6x.kext AppleBacklightInjector.kext ArcMSR.kext ATTOCelerityFC8.kext ATTOExpressSASHBA2.kext ATTOExpressSASRAID2.kext BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext BrcmPatchRAM2.kext CalDigitHDProDrv.kext DisableTurboBoostBattery.kext EAPDFix.kext FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext HighPointIOP.kext HighPointRR.kext hp_io_enabler_compound.kext intelhaxm.kext LittleSnitch.kext PromiseSTEX.kext SoftRAID.kext ufsd_NTFS.kext USBInjectAll.kext This one is the S/L/E folder: 4297/FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext acfs.kext acfsctl.kext AirPortBrcmNIC-MFG.kext ALF.kext AMD2400Controller.kext AMD2600Controller.kext AMD3800Controller.kext AMD4600Controller.kext AMD4800Controller.kext AMD5000Controller.kext AMD6000Controller.kext AMD7000Controller.kext AMD8000Controller.kext AMD9000Controller.kext AMD9500Controller.kext AMD10000Controller.kext AMDFramebuffer.kext AMDLegacyFramebuffer.kext AMDLegacySupport.kext AMDMTLBronzeDriver.bundle AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle AMDRadeonX3000.kext AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle AMDRadeonX4000.kext AMDRadeonX4000GLDriver.bundle AMDRadeonX4000HWServices.kext AMDRadeonX5000.kext AMDRadeonX5000GLDriver.bundle AMDRadeonX5000HWServices.kext AMDRadeonX5000MTLDriver.bundle AMDRadeonX5000Shared.bundle AMDShared.bundle AMDSupport.kext apfs.kext Apple_iSight.kext Apple16X50Serial.kext AppleACPIPlatform.kext AppleActuatorDriver.kext AppleAHCIPort.kext AppleAPIC.kext AppleAVEBridge.kext AppleBacklight.kext AppleBacklightExpert.kext AppleBCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe.kext AppleBCMWLANCore.kext AppleBCMWLANCoreV3_Datastore.kext AppleBluetoothMultitouch.kext AppleBluetoothRemote.kext AppleBusPowerController.kext AppleCameraInterface.kext AppleCredentialManager.kext AppleEffaceableNOR.kext AppleEffaceableStorage.kext AppleEFIRuntime.kext AppleEmbeddedOSSupportHost.kext AppleFDEKeyStore.kext AppleFileSystemDriver.kext AppleFIVRDriver.kext AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib.kext AppleFWAudio.kext AppleGFXHDA.kext AppleGraphicsControl.kext AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext AppleHDA.kext AppleHIDALSService.kext AppleHIDKeyboard.kext AppleHIDMouse.kext AppleHPET.kext AppleHPM.kext AppleHSSPIHIDDriver.kext AppleHSSPISupport.kext AppleHV.kext AppleHWSensor.kext AppleInputDeviceSupport.kext AppleIntelBDWGraphics.kext AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer.kext AppleIntelBDWGraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVAME.bundle AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient.kext AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext AppleIntelGraphicsShared.bundle AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelHD4000Graphics.kext AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelHD5000Graphics.kext AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext AppleIntelHDGraphicsGA.plugin AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelHDGraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelHSWVA.bundle AppleIntelIVBVA.bundle AppleIntelKBLGraphics.kext AppleIntelKBLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext AppleIntelKBLGraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelKBLGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelKBLGraphicsVAME.bundle AppleIntelLpssDmac.kext AppleIntelLpssGspi.kext AppleIntelLpssI2C.kext AppleIntelLpssI2CController.kext AppleIntelLpssSpiController.kext AppleIntelLpssUARTCommon.kext AppleIntelLpssUARTv0.kext AppleIntelLpssUARTv1.kext AppleIntelMCEReporter.kext AppleIntelPCHPMC.kext AppleIntelSKLGraphics.kext AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext AppleIntelSKLGraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelSKLGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelSKLGraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelSKLGraphicsVAME.bundle AppleIntelSlowAdaptiveClocking.kext AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle AppleIRController.kext AppleKextExcludeList.kext AppleKeyStore.kext AppleLPC.kext AppleLSIFusionMPT.kext AppleMatch.kext AppleMCCSControl.kext AppleMCP89RootPortPM.kext AppleMIDIBluetoothDriver.plugin AppleMIDIFWDriver.plugin AppleMIDIIACDriver.plugin AppleMIDIRTPDriver.plugin AppleMIDIUSBDriver.plugin AppleMikeyHIDDriver.kext AppleMobileDevice.kext AppleMobileFileIntegrity.kext AppleMultitouchDriver.kext AppleOnboardSerial.kext AppleOSXUSBNCM.kext AppleOSXWatchdog.kext ApplePlatformEnabler.kext AppleRAID.kext AppleRAIDCard.kext AppleRTC.kext AppleSDXC.kext AppleSEPManager.kext AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext AppleSMBIOS.kext AppleSMBusController.kext AppleSMBusPCI.kext AppleSMC.kext AppleSMCLMU.kext AppleSMCRTC.kext AppleSRP.kext AppleSSE.kext AppleStorageDrivers.kext AppleSystemPolicy.kext AppleThunderboltDPAdapters.kext AppleThunderboltEDMService.kext AppleThunderboltIP.kext AppleThunderboltNHI.kext AppleThunderboltPCIAdapters.kext AppleThunderboltUTDM.kext AppleTopCase.kext AppleTyMCEDriver.kext AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext AppleUSBACM.kext AppleUSBAudio.kext AppleUSBCDC.kext AppleUSBCommon.kext AppleUSBDisplays.kext AppleUSBDMM.kext AppleUSBECM.kext AppleUSBEEM.kext AppleUSBEthernet.kext AppleUSBEthernetHost.kext AppleUSBFTDI.kext AppleUSBiBridge.kext AppleUSBMultitouch.kext AppleUSBNCM.kext AppleUSBNetworking.kext AppleUSBSerial.kext AppleUSBTopCase.kext AppleUSBWCM.kext AppleVADriver.bundle AppleWWANAutoEject.kext AppleXsanScheme.kext ATIRadeonX2000.kext ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle AudioAUUC.kext autofs.kext BCMWLANFirmware4364_Datastore.kext BCMWLANFirmware4364_Hashstore.kext BootCache.kext BridgeAudioCommunication.kext BridgeAudioController.kext cd9660.kext cddafs.kext CellPhoneHelper.kext corecapture.kext corecrypto.kext CoreStorage.kext Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext DSACL.ppp DSAuth.ppp DVFamily.bundle EAP-KRB.ppp EAP-RSA.ppp EAP-TLS.ppp eficheck.kext exfat.kext FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext GeForce.kext GeForceAIRPlugin.bundle GeForceGA.bundle GeForceGLDriver.bundle GeForceMTLDriver.bundle GeForceTesla.kext GeForceTeslaGLDriver.bundle GeForceTeslaVADriver.bundle GeForceVADriver.bundle HFS.kext HFSEncodings.kext IO80211Family.kext IO80211FamilyV2.kext IOAccelerator2D.plugin IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext IOACPIFamily.kext IOAHCIFamily.kext IOATAFamily.kext IOAudioFamily.kext IOAVBFamily.kext IOBDStorageFamily.kext IOBluetoothFamily.kext IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext IOBufferCopyController.kext IOBufferCopyEngineFamily.kext IOCDStorageFamily.kext IODVDStorageFamily.kext IOFireWireAVC.kext IOFireWireFamily.kext IOFireWireIP.kext IOFireWireSBP2.kext IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport.kext IOGraphicsFamily.kext IOHDIXController.kext IOHIDFamily.kext IOImageLoader.kext IONDRVSupport.kext IONetworkingFamily.kext IONVMeFamily.kext IOPCIFamily.kext IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext IOReportFamily.kext IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext IOSCSIParallelFamily.kext IOSerialFamily.kext IOSkywalkFamily.kext IOSlaveProcessor.kext IOSlowAdaptiveClockingFamily.kext IOSMBusFamily.kext IOStorageFamily.kext IOStreamFamily.kext IOSurface.kext IOThunderboltFamily.kext IOTimeSyncFamily.kext IOUSBAttachedSCSI.kext IOUSBFamily.kext IOUSBHostFamily.kext IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext IOUSBMassStorageDriver.kext IOUserEthernet.kext IOVideoFamily.kext iPodDriver.kext KernelRelayHost.kext KXLog.kext L2TP.ppp Libm.kext mcxalr.kext msdosfs.kext ntfs.kext NVDAGF100Hal.kext NVDAGK100Hal.kext NVDANV50HalTesla.kext NVDAResman.kext NVDAResmanTesla.kext NVDAStartup.kext NVMeSMARTLib.plugin NVSMU.kext OSvKernDSPLib.kext pmtelemetry.kext PPP.kext PPPoE.ppp PPPSerial.ppp PPTP.ppp pthread.kext Quarantine.kext Radius.ppp Sandbox.kext SMARTLib.plugin smbfs.kext SMCMotionSensor.kext ssuddrv.kext System.kext TMSafetyNet.kext triggers.kext udf.kext vecLib.kext webcontentfilter.kext webdav_fs.kext I apologize for this long list..I supposed it would have been better than posting screenshots.
No way.. here is the result of the last clover folder you posted Viking. Just to let you know, if can help, my E7450 bears only HD5500 (no discrete cards)
I don’t understand Viking: should I replace the clover folder with the one you attached? What is missing in that clover folder? Do I have to upload my clover folder for comparison? Thanks
Here is the video of deny. It isn’t the complete boot sequence but where it stops. Here is a pic just before the deny symbol.
Jake, that is my internal drive. It is not the external one, which fortunately works
Viking, I applied your suggestions but I got a deny symbol
I'm attempting many times deleting the EFI folder from EFI partition and replacing it with a backupped one (the oldest is 4458, the newest 4700). Sometimes the system boots correctly, but only once. At reboot it fails again. I was able to boot with EFI folder of r4700 and after hitting F4 and F2 (I remembered the sequence) I was able to generate a complete debug. Hope this can help in finding a solution. Please help me!!
It is caused by clover update (4674-->4700). So, I downgraded to the previous version (4674). Initially worked, but at the next boot the problem came again. I didn't change any patch in clover config. I can post it if needed. EAPDFix is the same version (2.3) and I never changed it. In these days I made a lot of attempts with experimental DSDT (patched by myself with some help) but I performed these experiments in an external SSD. I don't know if this can be the cause
I have it. Should I update it?
UPDATE: 26/10 System keep rebooting in any case. I didn’t solve anything. I loaded default bios values and then activated uefi boot mode, legacy boot mode, AHCI sata and disabled secure boot. Now I get the deny symbol and I cannot boot can you please give a me an help? Thanks
I use a piece of brain and I found a good solution: I downgraded to clover r4674 and the related EFI folder so now the system is booting again. Fortunately I keep a copy of some previous clover versions and EFI folders. So now it boots fine.
Hi folks, my system in signature is not able to boot anymore. It reboots automatically after a few seconds. At clover bootscreen, I hit space bar and verbose plus debug 0x100 and the result is in the pic attached. I can partially solve only if I boot from another SSD, I replace the EFI folder with a backupped one but at reboot the problem is still there. The system does not boot even without injected. Clover: r4700 Any idea? thanks, Marco
Dear @Jake Lo and @viking1304, major contributors to this topic. I appreciated so much your big effort in understanding what's wrong in my DSDT but I feel I make you waste a lot of precious time. The original intent of this topic was to check if I were able to patch a "known" DSDT by my own, in order to make a step further and try to patch another system. Unfortunately, I have much more to know and to study. Since Jake has patched and made an efficient guide for the E7450 with HD 5500, I think I will follow the next updates about this powerful machine but now we can even stop with this topic, if you agree. I'm still available as "beta tester" if you need an user with this kind of machine to see how your patches and hacks work on another machine. I hope you can understand the general intent of this post, even if english is not my mother tongue. Thank you so much guys! I will wait for a stable guide for the next step..Mojave! Cheers, Marco
Yes, it is. Otherwise I would have graphics glitches, even on my internal SSD, which boots normally
Hi @Jake Lo and @viking1304 no way in having a better result. Hack doesn't go to sleep when plugged into AC and I have to take the charger off to put it to sleep. When I wake it, I have only a black screen. Furthermore, boot time is still so high (it is external, but it is an SSD)