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  1. Hello friend, I'm trying to install HS but this error is appearing. I've updated the clover, activated the "FIXHEADERS" but I still have problems. How do I solve this?
  2. Hi. I think I got the same error. How to solve?
  3. Hi, I'm trying to install the High Sierra on my Dell and this error appears. can anybody help me?
  4. Now yes! Dell is fully functional! Thank you very much for your help and patience.Sreenshots.zip
  5. Exact. The USB connections come back and the HDMI connection stops working with this "config.plist". The requested "config.plist" is attached. config_USB_work_HDMI_notwork.zip
  6. exactly. when I put the "config.plist" that you sent me to fix the HDMI, the USB stops. when I go back to the previous "config.plist", the USB will restart and HDMI will not work.
  7. I just identified a problem. after I did the "config.plist" replacement, USB connected devices are not being recognized. what should I do?
  8. Hello. after a lot of difficulty I finally had success installing el capitan on my Dell. Thanks a lot for the help. everything is working HDMI, SD card reader, USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, Wifi and Bluetooth, webcam and Microphone, fully functional. Thank you so much!
  9. I'll try to solve it that way. Now, another question: How do I activate my bluetooth device? The board description is BCM20702A0. Thanks for listening!
  10. Hello. After replacing the file now I have HDMI signal working perfectly, but the notebook display is showing several tracks. how can I solve?
  11. Hello. I followed your recommendation. It is attached. debug_2755.zip
  12. Hello. I was able to install El Capitan without problems after the VoodooPS2 fix. But I am out of signal via HDMI, when I close the LCD remains on and I do not recognize Bluetooth. What should I do?
  13. Hi. I'm having trouble trying to install Mac OS X El Capitan on the Dell Latitude E5430 non-vPro. The Dell restarting before you even complete the startup of the installer. I used unifail 6.2.0 to generate the installer. I was able to install Mac OS High Sierra perfectly, however my Wifi card is no longer compatible with the system. It's a board that can be taken at iMac 2008. It BCM94321MC. So my preference for El Capitan. I'm sending my CLOVER folder that I use to boot via USB if I need to parse. Thanks any kind of help! Sorry for my awful English. I'm brazilian. Specs Dell Latitude E5430 non-vPro 1600x900 core i5 3320m intel HD 4000 graphics 8GB BIOS: A18 CLOVER.zip
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