Hi, I've also successfully installed Lion 10.7.5 (latest version and all updates) on my recently acquired Toshiba Portege R500. Installation was a breeze and for full QE/CI I need to boot in 32bit and also use a custom AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext. (attached).
WiFi (Intel) doesn't work, but I've switched to a mini pci-e Broadcom BCM94311MCG card, that's natively recognized as airport. Problem solved.
Bluetooth is not recognized by system profiler, but since I've done a fresh windows 7 install too, maybe it needs to be activated first in the windows partition... I'll give it a try.
Sleep kind of works, with sleepenabler.kext it does get to sleep successfully but wakes up immediately after...to a very, very dark screen. Keyboard and touchpad also stop to work. So a lot of work still to be done to sort this one out...
Other than this everything's working great with some artifacts like the sound with voodooHDA 2.6.1 and the battery with VoodooBattery. But it's been so far 100% stable (no KP's).
What may I do to help out getting this one to the EDP DB?
PS - I also got a similar almost fully working Toshiba Portege R830 running ML 10.8.2.