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  1. I just know the reason why the patch is not working I made a mistake as I wrongly enter the name of the patch. I correct it . Now the drive is correctly connected with the yellow icon and I can hotplug it. So everything is working correctly, no more crash. Many thanks to Jack Lo and Hervé for their promptly answers.
  2. Since I have to reinstall the OS, the kext should be there. I just check it. Because when I did remove it from the SLE and put another version of it in the LE, I cannot boot. I think there another one in the forum had the same problem when he upgrade to Catalina. I would ask him if the patch solve his problem. Can I delete the Data partition ? I saw it only in the DiskUtil. I think it is created when I upgraded to Catalina.
  3. To Herve: Thank for the info. I put the WEG to the Other folder of Clover. And no more graphics glitch at boot time. I did put the patch in the confit file. I still have the problem with the disk on the media bay. I still have the message of the disk not readable. The disk is shown on DiskUtil. It is not hot plugged like on Mojave. And I also have the crash with the disk on. A crash report is joined. When I take the disk out, I do not have anymore crash. With Catalina, the SLE folder is read only. So we do not use the 3 statements about the SLE when we do repair? Report_20200422A_Crash.rtf.zip
  4. To Jack Lo, Thank for the fast answer. But how can I retrieve the values to put in the config.plist? With what app?
  5. To Hervé and Jack Lo: 1) The reboots (or restart during the sessions) are due to the problematic drive in the media bay. As soon as I take the drive out, the system is very stable no more restart. I have a copy of the report of the crash, about the AppleAHCIDiskQueuManager timeout. I can attached the report. 2) I tried the patch and removed the two kexts (AppleAHCIPort.kext and IOAHCISerialATAPI_injector.kext) the Other folder of Clover. But the problem remained. I still had the message that the drive is not readable. I tried the solution of removing the AppleAHCPort kext from the SLE as I did in the Mojave. But I cannot boot and I have to reinstall the OS. My question is the values of Find and Replace (40600200 and 00000000) should be entered as is or be converted as HEX. Can you give the HEX values , please. 3) I have the graphic glitch during the boot. You said that we can upgrade the bios from A11 to A20 to solve the problem. But that mean I have to generate a new DSDT.aml ? Is there any patch for that problem?
  6. Successful upgrade to Catalina from Mojave. Before upgrading I used CCC app to clone my Mojave OS based disk to a USB 3.0 flash drive and use it to upgrade the OS of my main disk.So if anything go wrong I can reboot with the USB and correct the problems. Applied the solution I found in the forum to make the wifi card DW1510 worked. The 2 kexts (IO80211Family and IO80211FamilyV2) from Mojave should be put in the Other folder of Clover otherwise wifi not working. But I have two major problems: 1) Ramdom reboots. 3 in the space of 2 hours. Never had that problem in Mojave 2) My second disk in the media bay no longer readable. I have a message asking me to initialize, ignore or eject. I can see the disk in DiskUtil . I had the same problem in Mojave. The solution was to remove the AppleAHCIPort kext from the SLE folder and put another version of the kext (found in the Web) in the Other folder of Clover. But the SLE of Catalina is now read only. No way to remove anything from it. Some of my Hack app are not working in Catalina.
  7. To Jack Lo: Running Mojave 10.14.1. Update USBInjectAll.kext to version 0.7.0. Two USB 3.0 ports of my E6330 are all detected. Generated USBPorts.kext, put it into the Clover folder and removed USBInjectAll.kext as described in the FB-Patcher process of the insanelymac.com site. Reboot. Everything is OK. Thank a lot for this info. My question is : is the AppleUSBXHCIPCI patch still needed? Can I disable it in the config.plist.
  8. I can also boot from the secondary sata (media bay) without any problem.
  9. The drive is OK because I did successfully format it in Windows 10 with the exfat format. . By going through Google about this problem (hackintosh apppleahciport), I found out that I am not the only one with this problem, so I tried the proposed solution : remove the AppleAHCIPort (version 329) in the /S/L/E folder and put the one that I have in the Clover folder in the /L/E folder. Redo permissions and rebuild cache. Do restart. Problem solved. The disk is mounted. AS a test, I reformat and partition it as an exfat one with Disk Utility. Everything is OK. I can now eject the disk. I remove the caddy and put it back. The disk is mounted . One question remains: should I put the kext in the /S/L/E instead of the /L/E?
  10. So How to solve the problem of Disk Utility problem not been able to format the disk?
  11. To Jack Lo: Had put a hard drive in the media bay, but I had a problem: cannot format it , 'Disk Utility cannot write to the last sector' problem. There are two AppleAHCIPort.kext : one in the /S/L/E folder and one in the Other folder of Clover.
  12. To Jake Lo: Had also remove AppleHDA_ID92HD93.kext. Redo permissions and rebuild cache. Everything OK now. Audio devices identified. Thanks a lot. Another question: Actually my SMBios is MacBookAir 5,2. Since my CPU is an I7-3540M, do I get anything more by changing it to MacBookPro9,2 (i7-3520M) or MacBookPro10,2 (i7-3540M)?
  13. Redo the installation of Mojave on the E6330 (HSierra). Update Clover version 3722. Use Smbios MacBookAir 5,2. Redo ssdtPRGen and add the new ssdt.aml to ACPI folder. Have to use the USB based Sierra (same Clover version) to boot Macos install otherwise no boot. Succesful install of Mojave this time. But have two problems: - Have 2 additional entries on Clover menu: Boot Filevault Prebooter from Preboot and Boot Macos install Prebooter from Preboot. Solve the problem by hiding Preboot in the Hide volume in the Gui section of the Clover. - No audio. No entry in the System Report. Have move only the 3 kexts from the LE folder of the Other folder of Clover : AppleBackLightInjector, AppleHDA_IDT and the DisableTurboBoostBattery to the /L/E folder. Repair permissions and rebuild cache.
  14. To Jack Lo: Boot from USB based Sierra (Clover version 4003). Tried to update the EFI of the Mojave internal HD with the Clover EFI version 4717. Got the message successfully installation, but the EFI is not updated. By the way the direct updating from HSierra to Mojave convert automatically my SSD from HFS+ to Apfs format. Can I keep the HFS format like when I update from Sierra to HSierra?
  15. to Edtlogin: What are you putting in your driver64 folder, I have the same problem, (black screen appleacpicpu time out). My clover version is 4359.
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