I successfully installed 10.13.6 on E7470 with BIOS 1.17.5 using this Jake Lo Guide with DW1560 Wifi. Everything was working after a month of messing with it, then I decided it would be a good idea to install Windows on another partition without backing up first and messed it up. I saved the EFI from the USB installer and the EFI from the successful SSD install before I went for a reinstall. Neither EFI from the working install would boot installer again. It kernel panics, hangs at fakeSMC, RTC, or at creating RAM Disc for var/logs.
BIOS settings - AHCI, no legacy ROM, no wake on LAN, no secure boot, version 1.17.5.
I decided to upgrade my RAM to 16GB and my SSD to Samsung 970 EVO 500GB before asking for help with patching my DSDT. I've been messing with this for two months now and can use some help. I cannot seem to figure out DSDT patching. I can get my dsdt.aml to dsdt.dsl but I don't know what patches I looking for in MaciASL. Just lists Rehabman's patches and I don't know what I'm looking for. I'd prefer to know how to patch my files correctly, but I'll take any help I can.