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Posts posted by karde

  1. Also, I have gotten this error on boot sometimes (very few times) 😕


    UPDATE: even worse, I had to reinstall (sorry, tried to install windows and screwed up..) , followed every step like before and used your EFI previously attached, but now I always/on every boot get the below message :( - PLEASE HELP! I hade gotten this a few times before (se above), but now on every boot :(..


  2. Aa, ok :), will try to reinstall windows.

    Seems like I'm missing the boot for windows, only get a "-" when starting it and clover says, boot windows from (nothing more).


    Tried your config, didn't work 😕

    I see now that I have Bluetooth available in system pref. but I can't turn it off / on, is there any kext missing :/?

    Regarding wifi, wifi won't work with the built in card right?

  3. debug_8677.zip


    THANKS!! :)

    By the way.. dumb question 😳, did your change in clover.plist have any change in how clover might boot windows?


    My windows10 won't boot any more, if not I'll reinstall or skip windows10, but just thought if you knew straight away!

    Can't thank you enough for your help! I'll make sure to make a donation like everyone should that gets your help / use your site.



  4. I ended up reinstall the system :/, sorry for the mess :)!


    I have attached the new debug file and my EFI folder.


    Do I need to compile Voodo-PS2-Controller for the trackpad to work :(? Is the below the right procedure? Got error in Xcode during this, so wonder If I'm doing right..:


    Install Xcode
    git clone https://github.com/usr-sse2/OS-X-Voodoo-PS2-Controller.git
    cd OS-X-Voodoo-PS2-Controller
    git checkout 3fdrag
    open VoodooPS2Controller.xcodeproj
    In Xcode window, select scheme 'All Kexts'
    Press Command-B
    Right-click Products/VoodooPS2Controller.kext in Xcode window and select Show in Finder


    I have VoodoPS2 only on EFI now and keyboard works, no trackpad 😕.


    Thanks for all your help and patience with me!!! I really appreciate it, would be great to the the trackpad to work!



  5. Okej, so I manage to get the keyboard to work, installed voodokextpscontroller.kext under /Libarary/extensions and under my EFI but no luck with the trackpad.


    If I have this and either ApplePS2.kext or Appleps2smarttouchpad.kext neither the keyboard or the trackpad works..

    Also, with only appleps2controller.kext / appleps2smarttouchpad.kext neither keyboard or mouse work :(, anyone got any tips for the trackpad? :(





  6. Hi,


    I have "successfully" installed High Sierra on my latitude 7480, but, can't get the built in keyboard and trackpad to work :/, can only controll with external keyboard and mouse.

    I've tried the ApplePS2SmartTouch kext and VoodooPs2Controller kext under kext other on the EFI partion and under /Library/Extension, won't work, anyone got any tips :(, would really appreciate any help!! 


    Thanks a lot!

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