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jackel9 last won the day on May 2 2022

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  1. i patched the DSDT and are now running Sequoia https://hackintosh.com/
  2. i cannot get this working , im a novice , plesase help me with an OC config.plist
  3. ive a E7270 Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB ive attempted making a config.plist , but i dont have proper tree and im not skilled at it, i understand that to make it work on a e7270 id have to edit the config.plist to make it run SONOMA thanks in advance EFI-1.0.3.zip
  4. ive dowwloaded Sequioa but when i try add my usb , it says........ select local disk ,selected USB will be erased, please backup any data NO DISK FOUND ,ive tried every usb port , multiple USBs , formatted both ms.dos, exFat and macos extended , its not having it ,the same issue with other OS, never used to do this, outside OCLP they all work fine
  5. can you provide a link to early feedbck as i cant seem to finf it
  6. i can get my hands on a e7470 ,will that be less hassle running sequoia, ive a spare 500gn SSD and a DW1820A lying about
  7. thank you foe poining this out
  8. Has anyone got a working efi working on a e5470 ??
  9. no i have not got an extra internal drive , im trying to install ona 2nd partiton on my ssd
  10. i dont follow, do you mead another SSD , when you say disable and enable the one im intalling windows on , disable secure boot and enable what on the target partition ......
  11. ive a e5470 running Sonoma , ive formattted the main ssd as GUID, It wont let me complete install of windows 10 or 11, ive tried the regedit hack , also tried with disabling Secure boot and mIne is TPM 2.0 , tried also with RUFUS running ina vurtual enviroment, still will not install, ive done this for the last2/3 years succesfully .I get the same error message no matter what method i try .please help !
  12. Latitude E570 MacOS Sonoma






    1. jackel9


      JakeLo, ive been pissing around with this config.plist for a few days, i used opencore configurator only , but is there something else i use , im a knob so excuse me in advance when i open in opencore i changed it to macbookpro15,2

      ocvalide says its fine


      do i need another program ???

      what am i missing


  13. Herve, All sorted now, installing Sonoma now ! cheers for pointing me in the right direction config.plist.zip
  14. the program is called GenSMBios-master https://github.com/corpnewt/GenSMBIOS it updates the current config.plist GenSMBIOS-master.zip
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