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adam sallimou

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  1. oh thank you so much now everything works! (except bluetooth) still happy easter to you too MacBook Pro di Adam.ioreg
  2. Now the graphics work but I encountered new problems: the touchpad keys and bluetooth MacBook Pro di Adam.ioreg
  3. now the wifi works! but I don't understand what you mean by remapping the usb however for the graphics I meant that I can neither raise nor lower the brightness
  4. unfortunately the things mentioned above still don't work here is my ioregMacBook Pro di Adam.ioreg
  5. The efi works! but it has many problems: wifi does not work the graphics are not very nice the 3x USBs don't work anyway I am attaching my IOReg thanks a lot for the support! MacBook Pro di Adam.ioreg
  6. Hi guys I have an HP 250 G5 I wanted to ask if you could help me create an EFI folder for macos monterey. The specs of my pc: AMD Radeon R5 / Intel HD Graphics 520 Samsung SSD Intel Core I5-6200U Would you help me a lot thanks!
  7. I would like to know if anyone knows anything please
  8. hello sorry if I didn't answer you immediately but I had some ups and downs anyway here is my ioreg: Adam’s MacBook Pro.ioreg the problem was that 1. the usb didn't work 2. in the bios I forgot to disable the legacy and put 64 bit in the video section
  9. I started it works but does not detect any battery and I can't even adjust the brightness of the display
  10. EDIT: hi guys, finally i managed to start macos big sur by changing the bios settings and changing usb
  11. I tried to change the bios settings but it gives me the same error
  12. I have an nvme Toshiba but if you want I can change to a sata ssd Samsung here is the photo of boot manager of Toshiba ssd
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