I have a dell e7470 and follow this posts.
Well i modify kext and ssdt with WhiteDragon's posted, but no good news.
So touchscreen don't work, but is recognized by UUPID, and SD Card is recognized bu DPCIManager, but i can't managed with it.
Also i swaped ApplePS2Controller with VooDooPS2Controller and at least on boot start with recognize my keyboard.
Overall it's good enough, with brightness, screen resolution, all 3 usb working and sound as well, but if someone could managed with touchscreen and sdcard, will be perfect for me.
My specs are
Dell E7470
Intel i7 6660U
Chipset SKylake
Intel GPU 520
4gb ram
128 Samsung ssd
Touchscreen ELAN 10 multipoint touch venid 04F3 pid 2246
SD Card Realtek RTL525A.