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  1. They did it. Touch-base sends me an appropriate driver. Now the touchscreen works well, with them the screen test recognizes all 10 touch points, but overall it is not very usable by Apple. Well, now I try to install the only ApplePS2 kext on K / E / O just to not dirty L / E and leave it clean. Thanks a lot.
  2. not yet, i send a request to them and wait. ok i start to try kext on s/l/e and then l/e. can you please advise me on which kext to try? VooDooIC2 or ApplePS2 ??? sorry but I'm making a lot of confusion right now. Thank you.
  3. strange i have installed too, but something get wrong with it. so here it is. thank you. report.ioreg.zip
  4. @Jake Lo, here it is what I managed to do. anyway thanks a lot for the help, i really appreciate it. debug_5051.zip
  5. For touchscreen: done this too, no news. dead end for me.
  6. Where i can find touch-base kext? I only know this site http://v6download.touch-base.com/downloads/upddui/macos/upddui.dmg and after install that, don't reconize my touchscreen. but i must to insert manually and send to them. For SD Card, i know the issue, but my system know my device vendor id and product id, but don't see my card at all. So at least reading the card for me is good result.
  7. Hello, I have a dell e7470 and follow this posts. Well i modify kext and ssdt with WhiteDragon's posted, but no good news. So touchscreen don't work, but is recognized by UUPID, and SD Card is recognized bu DPCIManager, but i can't managed with it. Also i swaped ApplePS2Controller with VooDooPS2Controller and at least on boot start with recognize my keyboard. Overall it's good enough, with brightness, screen resolution, all 3 usb working and sound as well, but if someone could managed with touchscreen and sdcard, will be perfect for me. My specs are Dell E7470 Intel i7 6660U Chipset SKylake Intel GPU 520 4gb ram 128 Samsung ssd Touchscreen ELAN 10 multipoint touch venid 04F3 pid 2246 SD Card Realtek RTL525A.
  8. I followed the guide posted and it's installed fine without problem. So now i try to fix some kext, but overall is a success. Thank you all.
  9. Hello, i try with EFI files download posted here, but everytime i stuck in same issue on post of @dave.stl so can someone tell me or advise the workaround for a correct installation? I followed the same guide report on post #1. thank you
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