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tebook last won the day on November 19 2014

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  1. My pc has legacy mode but I would to install win7&osx 10.11 on the same hdd. How can i install windows 7 on uefi mode on legacy boot?
  2. Yes, boot go to windows. I checked installation USB it is not uefi boot mode; it can't make Microsoft folder on efi partition.
  3. After complete install windows and boot with clover USB and select OS X EL to boot and then install clover again but open EFI found Microsoft folder on this partition. how i will do. and i will try to install Win 7 and OS x again and report to you.
  4. I am missing folder "EFI/Microsoft" on EFI partition, what i am wrong install wind7 but my laptop has got the same you mention.
  5. - Now to fix the boot option - Go to BIOS, create boot option. Browse to /EFI/Clover/Cloverx64.efi, give it a Name. Now move the Clover boot entry to top. on my PC missing this option, the t3500 boot Legacy mode. how i can do?. i update BIOS A002 to A17. Cheers, thank you for respond.
  6. I has completed install EL 10.11 on Dell Precision T3500 and then update osx 10.11.1 - 10.11.5. Anyone can assist me to complete step dual boot win 7 and EL captain on the same HDD ?. Cheers,
  7. Hi Cooper1, you should read and follow the Guid http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/293842-guide-mavericks-on-hp-probookelitebook-laptops-with-clover-uefi-bootloader/ or http://www.tonycrapx86.com/hp-probook-yosemite/143675-guide-install-yosemite-hp-laptops-clover-uefi.html very good guide. cheers.
  8. Hi shumanak, you should read and follow this Guid for work but not accept SD card and wifi http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/293842-guide-mavericks-on-hp-probookelitebook-laptops-with-clover-uefi-bootloader/ or http://www.tonycrapx86.com/hp-probook-yosemite/143675-guide-install-yosemite-hp-laptops-clover-uefi.html very good guide. cheers.
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