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Everything posted by RobertB

  1. I do not have that Kext but does your mouse pad work I only have a external USB mouse working on the system al other things do work. thanks,
  2. My D630 is working like a charm. I have seen that I have a T7500 cpu instead of the T7300. When I run a test and look at My Mac I see that it will read 2.0 Ghz instead of 2.2 Ghz. What do I need to change in the DSDT to make full use of my CPU? thanks,
  3. Thank you. I will check after I have the system booting again. I first have to solve the BIOS problem. Ok got it to work by putting the recovery on a USB stick So the story continues.
  4. Do you use the A17 Bios of Dell or do you use the mod Bios? The mod BIOS did not work and I'm now in real trouble. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/246-07182011-d630-bios-rework/page__gopid__6135#entry6135 See the message I have dropped I hope one can help.
  5. I have a D610 with a Intel mobile processor running with Leopard 10.5.8. Would it be possible to run on the D610 Snow Leopard If so what would be a possible way to do this. I have a Myhack on a USB with 10.6 retail but when I start it from the USB with UseKernelCache=No -v -f it stalls. The last lines in the screen are before is stalls are: BootCache: Hit rate below threshold (1 hits on 1143 lookups) Leopard is running well is there something I could do with the Leopard install. Is Snow Leopard capable of running on a Intel Pentium Mobile processor? thanks,
  6. devious, I have used your Extra list with my installation. We probably have the same system. Could you drop your up to date extra folder on the form. I like to see if I get the touchpad working as well. AT this moment I have to use a USB mouse.
  7. Ok the D630 is up and running What are smart things to do? - What about speedster? - What about cookbook? - What about kexts for mouse pad? - What would be the advantage of loading the moved A17 Bios instead of having the A17 bios of Dell? With these last items out of the way this could be the best had I have done ever. Thanks,
  8. I use the dell standard of the Dell site. Is there a advantage of using the DSDT patched BIOS
  9. Ok, After some re-installing have it working now. - have wifi after I made a bios update to A17 - Do not have the track pad working yet But I will get there. Any information on getting it to 10.7.1 or even 7.2 Have a Geekbench of 3037 at 32 bits and 3264 at 64 bits Thanks,
  10. So I have the D630 up and running. Some questions: - Does the Wifi work or do I need to get a external Wifi? - The keyboard does work but the pad end the stick do not. Also not after installing the PS2 Lion Kexts. What could be the solution? - How to upgrade to 10.7.2? - What is EDP 2.2? and where to download? Found it but then EDP 2.1. Thanks for your help.
  11. Bronxtech, Thanks for this now it works. Wifi off and UseKernelCache=No Installation is running
  12. Did you do something special or did the start/setup work for you as standard with the Myhack? As you can see mine halts once the pointer is on the gray screen and then I have the rainbow color wheel. Also the line of devious did not do it for me. thanks,
  13. Devious, Do so but no result. It gives me a stop with at the end "System uptime in nanoseconds: 3812907688 Before that I read Debugger called: <panic> Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : return Address with a number of addresses below that. Could it be that I have to set some items in my Bios. I have done Hack's on D610 and Dell mini's and they did require some bios settings. thanks for your help.
  14. Would it also work when I type that at the prompt?
  15. All, I'm working on getting my D630 with Nvidia video to work with Lion. I have the Myhack installation on a USB. The systems starts from the USB and goos all the way to the gray screen. I get the mouse pointer and then it turns into this rotating color wheel. I have added the Extra.D630.Nvidia.zip of devious in the Extra folder on the USB. I have tried: -v -f cpus=1 what do I have to do to get lion installed? thanks,
  16. Hi, Does one of you has a sugestion for this or is the D610 single core system simply not right for 10.6? thanks,
  17. I copied 10.6 retail to a USB drive. Installed a bootloader as well. At the start of the bios I hit F12 to select the system to start from the USB drive. Cameleon start and I can select from the USB the 10.6 install. Cameleon starts after the enter and with in 2 seconds I get a panic and have to restart the D610 again. Al my other systems I use the IPC disk or the iFail disk. Is there something I need to do to make it work?
  18. Leon, thanks for your replay. Do you have a advise how to proceed? Do I use the installation instruction of this Forum?
  19. Hi, I'm new on this forum but great to see that there is one place to talk about the Latitude series of Dell. I own a D610 working nicely with 10.5.8. Now I like to know if it would be possible to update it to Snow Leopard or is the D610 to old for that? If one of you could give me some pointers where to start. Looking forward to see comments. regards, Robert
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