Hi All,
I am having same kind problems than DellBoy has. My sleep wont work. Or should I say its not working anymore.
I made clean multiboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) installation couple weeks ago and everything worked fine including sleep until yesterday.
Sleep stopped to work after I installed wine+winebottle and couple windows programs to check if they work through wine.
Now when I try to close laptop lid or select sleep from menu it tries to sleep but right after hdd light and other are turning off it wakes up like you get lid up.
Which system logs etc. should I check to get help? Or could I found answers from those?
I already tried to reinstall EDP with predefined settings and manual settings. Tried hibernation fix and pmset hibernatemode 0 and everything else I could imagine... Nothing seems to help. I even tried to uninstall wine+winebottle.
Pretty frustrating problem after clean install and excellent working setup...
forgot: D620 GMA