Hi !
I and several others would definetly benefit from a Walkthrough here, I managed to rename the AppleACPIPlatform.kext by using the "mount -o remount, rw" command. (I still don`t know what it is doing) Then in the System/Libraries/Extensions using "cd .." and "ls" command I managed to rename the kext using "mv AppleACPIPlatform.kext AppleACPIPlatform.kext.bad". Which seemed to work, but I still had no success in copying from the Install Disc, or an external USB stick to hd the working File.
As there are several Cases that might involve such a Procedure , a small Walktrough with the required commands would be damn great.
Required here would be mount a USB from Console, the HD seems Read Only after booting from Install Disc, so it needs to be set rw before copying the File from USB to Disc. (I know the Theory, but Try&Error is really annoying without knowing the exact commands)
One of the mistakes I made before was thinking that .kext are Binary Files, ... they are directories, ...
I replaced the AppleACPIPlatform.kext with the SL one, ran myFix1.3 - still no success