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Posts posted by Wayne

  1. Have recently installed a solid state hard drive and installed lion 10.7.3, can I ask how do I get the S/PDIF working again? I have connected an optical lead to the computer and then connected to my Dac but there is no red light shining via the optical lead. Anyone has any advice as to how to achieve this? I do believe that the headphone output carries an S/PDIF signal but ain't sure.

    If I buy a port replicator will it work? Thanks.

  2. Managed to install Lion after a great and much valued and appreciated amount of help from Sipart amongst others , unfortunately my laptop doesn't seem to be allowing Internet access via the Ethernet is there anything that I can do to get this working l I realise that you can have problems with wifi but considered Ethernet may be different any further help or advice appreciated


    D630 Intel 1400/900 graphics card .



  3. look in your bios and check your video card type and resolution also check if your wifi is intel if it is shut it off in bios. or remove it as it won't work on osx and it will keep you from installing osx. the graphics info is another factor... if it is high resolution screen then the flashed bios is no good. you would need to go back to stock if it states that it's nvidia then you need to use the nvidia boot pack now if it's high res intel crest line graphics you need to dig around the forum for a high res dsdt.



    Hello i have already removed the wifi card and replaced it with an up to date one which will work with OSX, my screen resolution is 1440/900 intel graphics , I would have thought though that if the graphics wern't going to work then you would see nothing at all , I do manage to see the apple logo and spinner for a couple of seconds , apparently others are having the same issue on here with 2,2 , so you suggest going back to stock Bios??, how do you install dsdt as I cannot find a walk through of how to do this



  4. I made the usb pen on my iMac for my D630 following the wiki with

    myHack2.2, bootpack-D630-intel, and my iMac installation DVD of version 10.6.4


    8Gb pen was formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) in Guid,


    The creation of the installation pen was quite smoothly although it is big (7+ GB). but when I boot with it on my D630, it get into blank screen (blank with bg light) for about 8min and shows the SL standard boot screen with the gray apple(somewhat stretched horizontally ). The promising wheel under the apple turned about 6 cycles to reach the system panic.


    Anything wrong with me? Or something else to try?





    I. Am having exactly the same issue as you mention , so your not alone I have used edp 2.2 one of the other members has helped me with formatting the USB pen he's kind and is helping me again to hopefully solve the issues I'm having, if I get any success I'll get back to you but as I say your not alone I. Having that problem it's probably edp 2.2 thanks Wayne



    But I'm a total newbie to this so really can't be sure but others seems to be having similar problems , which in a way is reassuring, to hear I'm not alone with such problems.

  5. im not using a DSDT have read the wki and wouldnt have a clue about how to go about installing one of those unfortunately, backdated my bios to A17 from A18 to see whether that made a difference but hasnt what so ever, I thought this was going to be a little hard but not as hard as this seems all settings on computer where as have been suggested hard disc altered from ATA and everything , I dont understand what I could be doing wrong.


    even tried the other way of doing it via iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) but no joy there also


    thanks Wayne

  6. Am currently trying to install Lion on a D630,one of the guys kindly helped me out with format of pen, can I ask how long it should take to get to the disc utility screen as I have been waiting for 30 mins with a blank screen?, when I booted I got the Myhack ( press any key screen ) left it to do its thing got up to the apple logo with the spinner starting, after 10 seconds a blank screen and nothing else what sp ever, have tried keeping my finger on mouse etc , how long does it are please.

  7. Hello there, if anyone from the Uk would be prepared to install the files on a usb pen for me on an intel based 10.6 computer id appreciate it?, I can forward the pen with an image of OSX 10.6 to you, I cannot unfortunately follow the up to date wiki as my computer isnt compatible with the myhacks programs etc,


    My hack EDP unfortunately wasn't built and isn't compatible with my old Leopard based IBM so I cannot install all the other files need on the USB stick


    any advice help appreciated

  8. Hi wayne,


    First, transfer the chameleon and Extra to the desktop (p/s the usb will be erased during preparation). After that, use myhack to prepare the usb installer and when it prompts for Extra, use you own and select the Extra on the desktop. After myhack is done you can try to boot from the USB to install lion.


    Yes. Its that simple :rolleyes:




    Apologies but I'm getting confused with all this can I explain exactly what I am planning to do and have done


    Firstly I followed the old tutorial which is as follows



    Here you can find two solutions for howto create a boot able USB pen with OSX.


    Method 1. – Use a retail OSX 10.6.0




    1. 8gb USB pen

    2. OSX SL 10.6.0 image (not anything higher)

    3. a working OSX machine





    1. Re-partition your usb pen as GUID and Mac OS file system

    2. Restore the orginal OSX SL 10.6.0 image to the pen using Disk Utility’s restore function

    3. Install the bootloader (attached to post) onto the usb pen – You can download it from below.

    (Remember to select correct destination)

    4. Extra the extra.zip to the root of the USB drive (attached to post)

    5. Boot and install =)





    I have


    1. Repartioned USB stick to GUID one partition on The PPC G5

    2. I have then copied Snow leopard using disc utility

    3. I then copied tha Chameleon Bootloader to the USB stick and also the extras folder to the same USB stick


    Here in lies my confusion in section 5 it says boot and install, I presume that this means boot the D630 with the USB stick or does it mean boot the D630 as normal via windows operating system and then install the software on the desktop? Of windows


    I thought that you had to alter some parameters in the Bios but there is no mention of this in the instructions above?.


    Do I download and copy my hack to the desktop of the D630 or to the USB stick which has Sl and the other files on?


    I am following the old instructions but they don't mention Myhack or anything else


    If you could kindly explain in simple terms exactly what to do with the USB stick do I copy the contents to the windows desktop of the D630 and what parameters do I need to alter in the bios


    To Stress I only have the following components and software


    Apple PPC G5 PRE SL IBM Platform

    USB Stick

    D630 Running Windows 7


    I note after reading the MyHack instructions that my computer is NOT supported with their software hence me wishing to use the old instructions


    to Quote myhack -


    You will also need access to an x86 system (PPC is not supported) that is currently running OS X 10.5 or above (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion) to prepare your USB installation device.


    if anyone could explain everything I need to do to use my current desktop as the old instructions at the top of this post are very short

    Thanks very much in advance Wayne

  9. Hello up to now I have formated the USB Stick to GUID


    I have copied Snow Leopard 10.6 to the Drive.


    Can I ask what I do now where is the bootloader? I can see Chameleon on the link at the bottom of the page is that the bootlader please?


    can you please provide a link as to what else I need to put on the USB stick I have downloaded the Chameleon and the extras folder


    please offer advice about how I can progress with it cheers Wayne


    what do I do when all files oare on the USB pen ( boot from that ?? )


    surely it cant be as simple as that?

  10. I think ill try the old install method i have a few questions about the following please



    1. 8gb USB pen

    2. OSX SL 10.6.0 image (not anything higher)

    3. a working OSX machine





    1. Re-partition your usb pen as GUID and Mac OS file system

    2. Restore the orginal OSX SL 10.6.0 image to the pen using Disk Utility’s restore function

    3. Install the bootloader (attached to post) onto the usb pen – You can download it from below.

    (Remember to select correct destination)

    4. Extra the extra.zip to the root of the USB drive (attached to post)

    5. Boot and install =)


    in section 1. do you format to two partitions or one partition please I have a 14gb usb pen or does all the information go onto one partiion?


    in Section 2 do you put the SL 10.6 on a secondary partition or the same one please?


    in section 3 does the bootloader go on the same partion as SL?


    if you could explain thanks

  11. Hi wayne...


    I would advice that you don't get the D630 with the intel X3100 graphics card as mountain lion will not support the graphics card when it out this summer.


    If you do get the D630 I would advice you update to the latest bios so that troubleshooting for any problem that may come up is easier when we work from the same baseline


    I would think my hack would run on an intel based 10.5.8 but I don't think you can run my hack on ppc based mac cause i think my hack uses intel architecture. But then I stand to be corrected.





    Thanks I'm at a stumbling block then, basically am I right in thinking that you need an intel machine to load the softwares on the USB stick and then you run everything via the USB stick? Or do you have to physically connect the machine to an intel based machine?, sadly I have no access to intel based apples , any further advice appreciated

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