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Posts posted by Wayne

  1. I am just about the buy a D630 2.2 with intel graphics and 4gb of ram could I ask you guys for some advice please


    The bios on the machine is from original purchase should I leave as is or update to the current bios on the dell site prior to installing OSX and secondly can I use my PPC G5 to install all the software on the USB stick?, as my computer is IBM based and only takes up to 10.5.8?, is to ok to use that platform to install and format the USB stick ( it says in the introduction in things you need




     * 8gb USB Pen

     * A Mac with OSX 10.6 or newer

     * A bootpack for your machine

     * myHack (Download links in the bottom)

     * A Snow Leopard (SL) 10.6 or 10.6.3 DMG file _OR_ a Lion/Mountain Lion Install image from appstore



    I only as I say have a power pc G5 am I ok using that as have no computer with snow leopard


    Thanks in advance

  2. Hello I am new to all this so please bear with me, I am currently looking to buy a used Dell D630 to install OSX , I am thinking of going for the 2.2 option, here in the UK I'm looking at approx £150 for a stock model without Bluetooth , I need access to snow leopard or lion to run a paid for app which won't run on my IBM G5 power pc.


    My questions are this


    Can I use my G5 to format the Flash drive ( it only runs up to 10.5.8 ) nothing more, or do I need access to a computer running 10.6 ? , which I unfortunately haven't got.


    Is an Intel based graphics D630 preferable to N Vidia ?


    Is it easy to put in a larger hard disc drive and double the RAM


    Anyone in the Uk done this successfully bad could help me out thanks.

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