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  1. I voted fire them & switch. They were disrespectful and obnoxious and deserve to be fired. I apologize for my countrymen. I agree Americans can be rude, as an American I don't appreciate the "all Americans are obnoxious" responses, nothing is that reliable.
  2. Yessir, I have Mavericks running using it. I am trying to get Yosemite on the E6430. Thanks
  3. Latitude E6430, BIOS A12 | i7 2.7 GHz | 16GB DDR3 | InVidia NVS 5200M, 1600x900 | Rebranded Dell DW1510 | Mavericks | Sleep, Yes The above 85%+ thanks to you.
  4. I'd love to get this going on my 6430, I have tried almost everything I can find, I just get a black screen after whichever installer hands off from it's boot screen.
  5. Installed EDP, ran it's search, installed the packages & now have sound & SD for the first time!
  6. Installed, now I have apple tv as the sole output device & it works! lol That is great when I am home. I also did this (after I only had aple TV) Mavericks Update 10.9.2STATUS: GOOD UPDATE METHOD: APP STORE/SYSTEM UPDATE MODIFICATIONS NEEDED: Need new patched AppleHDA AppleHDA.kext.zip 1.47MB 205 downloads Install latest Chameleon r2377 and add to org.chameleon.boot.plist <key>HDAEnabler</key> <string>Yes</string>
  7. Trying to get an AC USB dongle on my machine I fubarred wifi & resinstalled. I am all good but no audio. Where cana I find tehe right kext?
  8. Is there a kext for BT & SD reader?
  9. It says Macbook Pro 9.2 Can I change it to something that will better reflect what it is? Thanks <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>SMbiosdate</key> <string>21/03/12</string> <key>SMbiosvendor</key> <string>Apple Inc.</string> <key>SMbiosversion</key> <string>MBP91.88Z.00D3.B00.1203211536</string> <key>SMboardproduct</key> <string>Mac-6F01561E16C75D06</string> <key>SMfamily</key> <string>MacBook Pro</string> <key>SMmanufacturer</key> <string>Apple Inc.</string> <key>SMmaximalclock</key> <string>2.600</string> <key>SMmemmanufacturer_1</key> <string>Hynix Semiconductor</string> <key>SMmemmanufacturer_2</key> <string>Hynix Semiconductor</string> <key>SMmemspeed</key> <string>1600</string> <key>SMmemtype</key> <string>24</string> <key>SMproductname</key> <string>MacBookPro9,2</string> <key>SMserial</key> <string>C02LW150DTY3</string> <key>SMsystemversion</key> <string>1.0</string> </dict> </plist>
  10. I don't think the Apple Store update changed the SN, I think the wipe & reinstall to 10.9.1 changed it. I am away from the machine on my Air right now, I'll check it and post my findings thanks.
  11. The osinstall has given the machine the SN. It is a dell with a Dell Service Tag that does not resemble those SNs. ALso it's not so much an issue as an oddity. It runs better than my Late 2012 MacBook Air.
  12. I did not do anything to either .plist. I just used the installer using your instructions both times. I am not savvy enough to mess with things under the hood unless directed because I have an issue. lol
  13. I was notified 10.9.2 was available and figured it was easy to reinstall if it fubar'd my machine & what do ya know it worked! Thought I'd share. Oddly, in 10.8.5, my 15.4" machine showed up as 15", in 10.9.x.x is shows as 13"
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